Chapter 9

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Hello everybody! Assuming I release this today or tomorrow, Happy New Year and welcome to 2023! Sorry I have been gone for over a month, that was not entirely my intention but I did want to enjoy my break from classes and also wanted to spend time with the fam. But, enough of me talking about the introduction for this story, let's jump into the next part! 


While it was only a week for Nami in the medical bay room, she was very glad to leave the medical bed and be amongst the crew on deck. She had really missed being around them all and also wanted to be doing her part on the ship rather than laying down in bed all day, even if it was "doctor's orders." 

Everyone in the ship welcomed her as they exited their rooms on the ship, Sanji having the most expressive one, Zoro having the exact opposite, calling her a witch, but smiling. Or at least he was, until their cook started an argument claiming he should be more respectful towards her. Luckily, she hit them both over the head and got them to stop arguing. One by one the entire crew had seen her in her chair on deck, which is where she decided to go after Chopper did a final check-up earlier that morning. However, Nami had been awake even before this, as herself and Luffy had to clean up the medical room from the previous evening. 

While Nami didn't think the innocent doctor would notice anything even if it wasn't one hundred percent clean, she wanted to keep the room tidy, as Chopper did take pride in his work and work stations. Plus, having a prepared medical room would probably be ideal. Not for what they HAD used it for....

After Sanji called breakfast, everyone made their way to the kitchen, in preparation for Sanji to start serving them breakfast. Nami herself was rather shocked to see Luffy not run over to the breakfast door but rather slowly get up and stretch upon hearing the words "breakfast" and "food". It was unnatural to say the least. 

Everyone else had already made their way in, leaving Nami walking up the stairs on the way there and their captain making his way over from the front of the ship. It wasn't until Luffy caught up with her that she understood why he had not rushed to breakfast. AS he caught up to her, surprisingly quiet, he passed her on her left side and proceeded to give her a peck on the cheek. 

"Morning Nami!" he exclaimed, proceeding to then show his natural smile, and then left for the kitchen. While Nami wanted to follow after him, she had to take a few seconds to process the kiss, trying to hide her ever-clear blush on her face, along with calming her emotions as well. Nobody really knew about their ongoing.... I don't know... relationships????

This thinking did not help Nami as it only made her blush more, the idea of being his partner, the man she adored so much. She decided to take a minute to walk around the ship, before finally having the courage to walk in for breakfast. 

"I can do this..." Nami thought to herself, approaching the breakfast door, "it can only get easier from here right?" 


It was now mid-afternoon, the sun was shining bright through the few clouds in the sky as the smell of the sea consumed the air around the Thousand Sunny. 

Nami once again laid on her chair on the deck, as she watched the sky above, keeping an eye out for anything unusual while also relaxing. This was the most she could do at the moment. She had already finished her map of Wano, after resting for a week, she was truthfully sick of laying down but still wanted to get some sun. But she also didn't want to leave the ship unguarded from a weather anomaly like before, so she stared at the sky, hoping a bad storm wouldn't ruin their day. 

Do You See Me the Same Way I Do? (Luffy x Nami)Where stories live. Discover now