Chapter 10

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Well, there's not much to say here except I hope you enjoyed the cliffhanger and let's jump right into the next part of our thrilling story. 


This chapter contains some more violent scenes through wording and it will detail graphic images in your mind (most likely). SO, I warn all of those who are younger to proceed with CAUTION. I'm not putting an 18+ on this one because most teenagers have played violent video games (to my knowledge anyway), but IF YOU ARE NOT COMFORTABLE WITH VIOLENT IMAGERY THROUGH TEXT, I would advice to NOT read a certain part of this chapter. I will let you know that moment when the time comes. 


The night sky glittered with stars, no clouds in sight as the Thousand Sunny continued to sail through the sea, no enemies nearby to threaten it. The crew sat in the kitchen, eating Sanji's prepared meal as they talked amongst one another. Usopp told Chopper another one of his famous stories, this one about how he once ruled over an entire island after he ended an ongoing battle that lasted two years. Chopper had stars in his eyes as he listened while also continuing to eat. 

Jinbei was discussing with Sanji what other meals Sanji could make for him, as Sanji wanted to know what Jinbei did and did not like to eat, given he had only been on the ship for two weeks now. While Jinbei himself did not think such an action was needed, Sanji insisted, making sure that everyone in the crew was happy with what they were being served. Franky was talking to Brook about his upgrades to the mini-merry below the ship, explaining the new speed it would have now that he had more upgrades for it after visiting the Land of Wano for so long. He even brought some more wood from his undercover job, in case the worst would ever come and the Thousand Sunny was damaged in any way. 

Zoro and Robin were talking to one another casually, nothing romantic in front of the crew, as Zoro claimed it was rude to shove it in everyone else's face while on board. Zoro was simply discussing with Robin how he had defeated King in his final fight and Robin was telling him her fight with Black Maria. 

"Wait, you can actually turn into a demon?" Zoro asked out of pure curiosity. He had always called her a devil woman, along with Nami, but the thought of her having that power didn't cross his mind. "Guess I need to watch myself on how much I tease you then..." Zoro said quietly, smirking at the end of his sentence. 

"Oh stop, it was nothing major really," Robin said, now wishing she had never discussed her new "ability" to say, "I don't have the best control of it yet and it sort of just happened..." That was the most truthful answer she could've said, she hadn't mastered it by any means but wasn't just going to test it while on the ship. Who knows what could happen. 

"Well, Robin~San, I'm just glad that you returned to your normal self after defeating that spider woman," Brook said, slightly eavesdropping their conversation, "her ability to make memories look like reality was not enjoyable..." Brook had a hard time reliving the pain of seeing his dead crewmates around him, knowing it was just a ploy to get him to lower his guard. The idea of using friends as a weakness, it was just cruel. 

"I agree, the way she made me see my life on Ohara was quite painful," Robin said slowly, "and if something like that ever happens again, I might do more than break a few bones..." Robin said somewhat casually, getting some more people's attention.

"O-Oi..." Usopp said from across the table, sweat dropping while also maneuvering his head's direction towards Chopper, doing his best to say "child at table". 

"HEY, I'm not scared because of what she said Usopp," Chopper claimed in defense, "I held off Queen on my own until Sanji got there, I've grown up!" He finished his argument by crossing his reindeer arms across his chest and holding his head high, proving his point. 

Do You See Me the Same Way I Do? (Luffy x Nami)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu