Ao3: Results? Little...💚

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Results L
Jackson- little
Tyler- Omega
Ace- Dom
Declan- Dom
William- Daddy dom

" you are.. a little Jackson congratulations. Your body will slowly start to adapt to the changes since you are Around that age and you should notice gradually things change, the bathroom for example. You'll have to go more often and eventually it'll be hard to hold. Your teeth will be a little more sensitive and more of your senses will heighten making it easier to be over stimulated. Call me when you have questions and concerns" He stood and shook the doctors hand before saying goodbye and leaving the assignment center. " we are absolutely not little" Roman growled "I know I can't change it though" Jackson said to his wolf "what do we tell Alpha?" Alpha wanted to know what everyone was so they weren't pushed to hard or not hard enough, or in his case not at all. Because littles weren't encouraged to train or be warriors, they were weak. An entire system based off putting adult things off and acting like a disgusting toddler. No on had to know so he wouldn't need to be treated like he was useless. Because littles were useless.
He parked his motorcycle in the back garage which only held a few vehicles due to being about to run almost everywhere but the city. He cut the engine and got off, he stopped in the kitchen for some food before going to train his 5:30 class. He was met with none other than the alpha as he ate a sandwich, " Jackson how was your test! No bad result correct?" He shook his head giving a polite smile " No of course not". He dusted his hands and threw away the a paper plate before saying " I have a 5:30 class I need to get headed to" Alpha nodded and asked " results Jackson" he asked " Private sir". He left quickly before heading to the west field and meeting his class there. He finished class a little later than normal so his evening run ran late. By the time he got back it was 7:45 and the alpha caught him in the living room talking to the gamma and beta " You two remember tomorrow is the gala you need to be there no isn't an answer". The gala, the place where the mateless gather every year to search for their mates. He went every year since he was 16 and now 19 he still had to go.
By the time the gala was started he had met so many people his head ached, he sat down on the bench next to what looked like an omega and sighed " every year they get our hopes up only for them to be squished every. Single. Year." The omega nodded looking sadly at his hands," yeah I'm tyler nice to meet you" he held out his hand and sighed shaking it. He felt his hand get really warm and blushing he said " Jackson, nice to meet you too. I -I think I'm done for now, because I'm pretty sure.." Tyler smiled and nodded blushing while looking at the crowd " that your my mate... it's nice to meet you mate" Jackson smiled his heart thumping in his chest, he didn't expect to meet his mate anytime soon but here he was. The little thing sat next to him probably 5'4 to his 5'7," well who's the top? Because I got my results yesterday and I'm ... they said I was a little which is bullshit.." Tyler looked surprised " well I'm a omega and a sub so it can't be me!" He said smiling and shaking his head " theirs another mate is what I'm thinking." Jackson nodded " yeah, I'm hungry though." Tyler smiled nodded whilst laughing " Same here but wheres the food?" Jackson shrugged and got up and took Tyler's hand guiding him the best he could through the crowd that seemed to already be taking a toll on him. He held Tyler's hand tighter and whined softly while surrounded by people who were looking very hopeful at them,by the time the food was found Tyler was leading him through the crowd his eyes were locked on the backs of his shoes. They stopped in front of the table and he saw a lot of things he liked but ended up staring because there was so much! Tyler asked if he could choose for him and Jackson nodded happy with his plate. He got a little lid for the tin plate and they walked around trying to find a place to sit when he was pushed pretty hard into Tyler who dropped his plate to stop them from hitting the ground. Jackson gripped Tyler's hand so hard both hands were white as he stared the the shoes of the person who bumped into them. Tyler was speaking to the man who seemed to be with someone, Tyler's plate also had a lid so it was safe but he was hungry and there were a lot of people. He was touch by a hand he was not good and it was bigger than Tyler's. He didn't look up even as his hand became warm, after that his hand wasn't let go of and Tyler lead them out of the gala to a covered area outside with fairy lights. Couples of multiple people sat outside some arguing and some making out but Jackson didn't look around to long before they sat down he he started to eat, Tyler nudged him gently and he looked up his eyes meeting a matching brown pair just like his. He blinked and found himself smiling, they were very pretty eyes " pretty eyes " he said before eating his pasta, " hes little correct?" Tyler agreed " yes sir though we just met he said yesterday he finally got tested for his category, he's is little though I'm not sure what pack he's from." The left man stood and slowly walked around the circle table checking the back of his shirt and frowning " no writing, must've not told anyone. Hi honey, did you tell someone you're an adorable little boy?" Jackson shook his head and the man nodded " Well let's get you fed a little more, your gonna with on my lap ok?" Jackson had to take in his words but nodded, the man picked him up and sat him on his lap. Tyler sat next to the other man talking happy, Tyler smiled a lot "he's pwetty" he wolf growled but said nothing before sinking back. " Open up sweetheart"Jackson whined and opened his mouth making the other laugh. He felt full back wanted to finish, the hand on his tummy gently rubbed while closing up the box and holding him. " Your all done little boy" he was supposed to finish all his food!! Bad boys didn't finish, he reached for the food but the man said " baby your tummy is full let's wait before eating anymore.." But- the man was standing and he was facing the man , he had a beard and it was a very pretty color, he felt it and pulled. It was scratchy against his face and he whispered " no nice" before pushing it back. He put his hand on the man's neck and hugged him, " darling we're gonna all leave soon so let's go potty real fast alright?" He nodded waving to Tyler and the other man. He waved at the women because all the men he saw looked scary looking around the crowd, he closed his eyes shielding his eyes from the light. He felt pleasantly warm as they walked liking he saw over the crowd, he said more to himself " so tall! Biggest ever" hey got to the bathroom and he went pee and waited for the nice mate man. He wait by the dryers and another tall man that washes his hands saw him and after a moment asked " hi, are you lost little one?" Jackson blinked and smiled shaking his head " waiting for nice man" " I'm jewels do you mind if I wait with you?" Jackson grinned and shook his head, he wouldn't mind at all. " Alright then, what's your name" " jackie!" He said excitedly, the other nodded and added " I love that name, I'm Declan" Jackson smiled and shook his hand,the man he was waiting for picked him up and he gladly hugged him tight. He was transferred to arms and became confused, he got warm when they touched. Another warm person? " Aren't you the cutest little mate ever!" He smiled secretly and waited, falling asleep against all the warm people. They were walking away and back to the table and he hid his face and whispered. "Nuuh so manee pople" his back was rubbed and he drifted off quickly.

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