ao3; Bee

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My first impression of the world in the morning, an accurate description of how I felt without him here.

Black out curtains hiding another day I didn't want to go through. I wish I could just go back to sleep and ignore the next week as it passes by me. Last month did, why couldn't today? I thought about it for a minute. The uncomfortable warmth of the sheets felt raw against my skin, they were too scratchy and had been since I'd washed them. It'd been so long I didn't remember when that was, just knew they'd been clean at one point.

Heavy exhaustion draped over me like a blanket. A weighted one, not comforting like i could usually convince myself it was but an exhaustion that made my sin physically ache in my chest.


He was starved.

Not starving, he had passed actively starving a decade ago. That's why he slept, he could sleep for years and not wake up, not change except for his sin. He had something important to do today so when he got up and dusked the cob webs off everything he snapped and an apple appeared. He started the shower even though as a demon he didn't sweat, he stunk though. A fact that made him want to cry a lot inside but he ignored it as he washed off.

He ate his apple as he showered. The taste not important but soap wasn't good so he was aware and avoided contamination.

He got out and wiped off ignoring his hair which was buzzed all the way down because he slept. He choose some plaid pants and a tank top before grabbing a zip up and putting shoes on and locking the house.

He walked the seven blocks to the office and every ten or so seconds wished he had enough energy to take himself home or at least walk faster. He knew going Holme wasn't an option, this was import, dad wanted him there so he'd be there.

Rarely did he request he be there, always offered and got denied by no response but this time requested and beezelbub couldn't help but feel bad if he ignored the message like every other one over the past century.

He got there last, ironically, and sat down ignoring the glances or worry or annoyance from his siblings and others as dad just thanked him quietly and smiled before dropping it and addressing the room once it was quiet. And he said the next words like it wouldn't kill Beezelbub every way from Sunday . So knees curled to his chest chin resting he listened to the words

" I've found the next head of the Greed Department"

Every. One. Looked. At him.

He was cold, more than ever. His being was cold. His finger tips icy, he noticed for once. His knees aches and his back was stiff. His head was tunnels for a esecond but he didn't even move. Tried not to react. He didn't even tense so shocked he had no reaction.

"Just don't look you'll be okay, it's okay this isn't a replacement we won't ever speak."
He chanted this in his head, over and over and over and over. Until he could see the words on the ground, until the feet next to his father left. Until everyone was gone and he could just disappear.

He wanted to die



"Mammon's gone it's time to go to sleep now, please get up. I have enough to get home please get up. Just move, a little," he couldn't.

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