[31 - The Proposal]

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"I don't know how to thank you enough, Percy," Eddie says to me, trying to keep himself awake. He wheezes the next words out, "I know we got off on the wrong foot, but I hope we can start over as friends."

I nod at him, "I'd be glad to call you my friend."

"Appre-appreciate it," he pats my arm before adjusting himself up with some pillows. "One more thing."

"Woah there, already asking me for a favor?"

He chuckles, "Can you grab Iris for me? I've been meaning to ask her something. I wanted to ask her the night on the pier, but it didn't exactly go as planned."

"You're proposing aren't you? I saw the ring. I'm sorry, I showed it to Iris so she already knows about it," I wail out, immediately regretting my decision.

"Oh, hah, don't worry about it," he seems I bothered by my actions, and I felt relieved. "But did she seem happy about it? Like she'd say yes?"

"Oh, dude, you should've seen her. She's totally going to say yes," I grin, patting Eddie on the arm.

I'm about to leave the medbay when Eddie beckons me over. "I was just curious, but how did you know where I was? I mean, I was told that you were giving Iris a tour of the building but you just suddenly came down to the basement."

"I actually don't really know. I've been thinking about it a lot and I believe it's because since humans are made up of water, I must've sensed you down there or something. But I've never been able to do something like that so I'm unsure of what happened."

"Well, whatever did happen, I am truly grateful."

I just smile at him, a genuine smile. And I jump off the steps and into the Cortex where Iris sat with Caitlin, looking down at the computers.

"Hey, Eddie wants to talk to you 'bout something," I tap her shoulder and her head whips around. Her eyes widened.

"Is he okay? Does he need something?" She asks worriedly, suddenly standing up.

"Oh! No, he's fine, he just wants to talk to you," I shut myself up before I reveal anything else to her. I bite the insides of my cheeks to keep myself from smiling.

I watch as Iris walks into the medbay where Eddie sat up in his bed. I can't hear what they're saying from where I stood, but I could make out what they were saying with their lips. I'm a great lip-reader.

Eddie said, "I hate you rub me free."

Iris replied, "No! Wait, I believe in your bed."

Eddie smiles, "Bill is a fairy hehe."

I frown at myself. I don't think I'm a great reader of lips after all.

They talked for a bit and another went by five minutes without anything happening. I was getting bored and was about to walk away but a all of a sudden, Iris' hand flies to her mouth. She smiles and hugs Eddie who winces in pain but his pain seems to subside quickly because his face is full of joy.

Barry walks up to me with his arms crossed, "What's up with them?"

My eyes widened. I totally forgot I was supposed to be rooting for Iris/Barry not Iris/Eddie.

I slowly turn from looking at the medbay to looking at Barry. "Well, uh, you see-"

"WE'RE ENGAGED!" Iris shouts out to the room,      and even from afar, I could feel the happiness radiate off of her. She was beaming from ear to ear, and Caitlin ran up to her, squealing as she saw the ring on her finger.

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