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I've been stuck in this crazy place for weeks. I don't even remember how I got here.

The last thing I remember before waking up in his hell hole was trying to close the singularity back in Central City. But when I woke up, I woke up in the middle of nowhere.

I tried to contact my friends and family from back home, but their phone numbers were supposedly "out of commission" which didn't make sense. And when I tried to Iris Message anyone, the drachma would just topple to the ground.

I didn't even have any supplies. The only thing I had in my pockets were drachmas, which were now useless, and Riptide. And in this past few days, I managed to rip my shirt to the point where there are more holes than fabric left. And desperate times called for desperate measures. I found some donation bins next to a Goodwill, and I snagged a t-shirt and jeans that were two sizes too big. I wasn't really liking the fact that I could've been wearing the clothes from some dead guy, but anywho.

I've also come to the conclusion that I am definitely not on earth, unless I magically teleported a hundred years in the future. This place is far more scientifically and technologically advanced than we ever were back at home.

But there's more!

Ever since I've arrived, more metahumans have been coming after me. How they knew I was there in this new earth, I have no idea, but I didn't like it.

And now, you may be asking what I was currently doing on such a fine day. Well, I was running from the fifth meta-human I've encountered today.

I unsheathed Riptide, moon reflected against the metal, creating a soft shine in the sky. With experimentation, I've come to realize that here, my sword is able to pierce those who are metahuman, which has been extremely helpful this past week.

I didn't even bother trying to figure out what kind of powers this meta had. But when I looked behind my shoulder, still running away from the meta, I noticed she had three more friends with him. "Oh, schist," I muttered under my breath, turning forward.

I was trying to lead them into a more open space where I would be able to see who and what I was dealing with.

In the day time, everything is seemingly normal, but once the sun sets and the sky turns black, that's when all of Tartarus breaks lose. I mean, rogue meta's run wild. They cause more crime, fires, and damage faster than the firefighters and cops can stop them. I try my best to help, but I can't be everywhere at once like Barry. I'm glad I still have my powers, but having super-speed would be very much helpful now.

At this point, I've pretty much become nocturnal. I spent my nights trying to stop all the crimes that I don't even sleep at night anymore. Once the sun rises, and everything goes back to normal, I find a bench to sleep on for the day until I wake up again and everything repeats.

But I feel like today was worse than usual. The amount of metahumans seemed to triple overnight. I could only do so much before collapsing with no energy. Even my own powers had limits.

I ran down an alleyway and into the middle of the street. At this time of night, no cars were out driving. Now that I'm thinking about it, I don't think I've ever seen a car drive at night, unlike Central City where you still hear cars buzzing around at 2am.

I could see a small fire starting to grow next to a streetlight, and I quickly doused it out before turning my attention to the four metahumans beginning to surround me.

I tired them out from the running, I realized that right away, noticing their panting and sweat on their brow. Except for the woman who was originally going after me, she barely broke a sweat. She had long brown hair and dark eyes which seemed to pierce the eyes of those who look into them.

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