Headcanon |54| - What's Their Sleeping Position?

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I can't believe I haven't done this one yet~


Kai- D. Pillow-Hugger. He loves feeling cosy when falling asleep and wrapping his arms around pillows, stuffed animals, even wadded up blankets gives that to him. He likes to deny that it's totally not because he's touch starved (you know, cause he's such a bad boy 🙄) but he totally is. He loves the feeling of cuddling and being  cuddled and pillow-hugging gives him the best sense of comfort when he's alone. When they were all younger and bunking on the floor/same beds, he 100% was the cuddle monster of the team and would suffocate them with his furnace-like body heat.

Jay- E. Fetal/Foetus Position. His team was positive he was a star-fisher, but he's not. He gets into bed, curls up under the blankets, tangles his legs together, bends his wrist under his chin, and looks amazingly contorted but by god is he comfy. It gives him a sense of security and safeness in this position, and in general is just comfortable for him. He's always been a fetal-sleeper, but especially when sharing with the team when they were newly acquainted, he was worried he would take up too much room.

Zane- H. The Yearner. A lot of people probably think he sleeps like a soldier 'cause he's an android, but he was made to be as human as technologically possible and I feel like giving him a human sleeping position would be easy. And so he chose the yearner. He stretches his arms out and spreads his legs and just basks in how much of the cold sheets he can feel at once and how comfortable it feels on all of his joints. In general, its just a very comfortable and natural position for him (tho he will soldier-up in bed if he's sharing and worried about taking up space)

Cole- F. The Stomach Runner. Taking up almost as much space as possible is Cole's jam. Much like Zane, spreading his arms and legs out in wide, bent positions gives him a sort of joint and muscle relief he relishes and basks in. It almost feels as if the stress rolls off his back when he sleeps like this. It's an easy position to switch on different sides, versatile, and doesn't leave him cramping when he wakes up. 

Lloyd- G. The Hugger. While similar to pillow0hugger, Lloyd swears up and down that no matter how twisted his back looks, it's comfortable as hell. He can sleep on his chest, arms wrapped around his pillow and face buried from light while his waist and legs remain on their side. It gives his back a beautiful stretch and twist as he sleeps and prevents any cramps and cricks in the morning (seriously, how many times has this kid landed on his spine in fights?) As a kid he was a fetal sleeper tho.

Nya- F. The Stomach Runner. This position is just superior, she and Cole brag all the time. She loves the twist in her back, the pressure on her stomach and chest, and the stretch of her arms when she sleeps like this. It's the perfect opportunity to both bury her face in her pillow from any intruding light, but also reach out to the cold parts of the bed without moving too much. (plus, it's the same position she uses when laying on top of Jay so all around, 10/10 will continue.)

Skylar- A. The Skydiver. She's an extremely light sleeper for whatever reason, so this position really allows her to get up and go in the mornings or in emergencies. She loves tucking her hands under her pillow with the initial chill and then slow warmth that seeps into her fingers. This also allows her to rub her feet together as she slowly alls asleep and she likes to joke about she cricket-like she is when she does this. But it just helps her fall asleep for whatever reason.

Pixal- B. The Stargazer. Don't worry, she's not as soldier-like as the picture makes you think. Really, she's a back sleeper and she just enjoys spreading her arms out to the sides, under her head, over her head; just anywhere to get a good stretch. She also moves her legs around a lot, sometimes twisted in a runner position, sometimes raised with her feet against the mattress and her knees bent so her legs make a pyramid shape. She's actually quite the active sleeper and tends to toss around a lot/


I, personally, am a Stomach Runner and I also say it is a superior position.

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