Headcanon |1| - Scars

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Okay, uhh hi... let's start off simple enough-


Kai-   He actually has the most scars out of the group because he's surprisingly clumsy and doesn't notice when he's hurt. He has a bunch of burn scars on his back from saving Lloyd in the volcano (S1, E10). 

He also has three slashes through his left eye which give him the split eyebrow. His hands and arms are covered in small, raised scars from slip-ups with weapons while being a blacksmith, training, and just being clumsy in general.

Jay- He has the scar through his eyebrow from tripping over his skateboard and smacking his forehead on the edge of his dad's work bench in the garage. He was given three stitches and it never healed over perfectly. 

Much like Kai, he also has small scars on his hands and arms from working with machinery and weapons. He also has a bad tendency to not notice when he's hurt, so he has to be careful to not let the wounds get infected. Nya or Lloyd normally check on him for this very reason.

Zane- He doesn't have many scars since he can fix himself up. However, there is one that he just can't smooth over. He has a permanent seam down his face-plate from when the Great Devourer cracked half of it off. He wasn't able to completely seal the seam between the new plate and the old one. Other than a few scars in his metal framework, he's not blemished.

Cole- Aside from Zane, Cole has the second least amount of scars. He was a pretty safe kid except for a few broken bones or twisted limbs. Even after becoming a ninja, he would wear thick gloves over his hands and used a long range weapon, so it'd be impressive for him to hurt himself with it. He does have one pretty visible scar on his leg from when he got a compound break and had the broken bone poke through skin.

Lloyd- This kid is covered in little scars from being, well, a rowdy child. His knees and elbows are covered in small scars from tripping and scraping them up. His hands are also covered in very tiny scars from popping lightbulbs when learning to control his powers. 

He also has a really light one on his bottom lip from biting it too hard and splitting it open after it heals. He got it first from a small fist fight with the kids at Darkley's and just kept reopening it and making it worse.

Nya- This girl's biceps are covered in them. When she was younger, she'd sneak away with some of Kai's weapons and practice with them which would result in a few injuries. Her ankles and shins also have scars from dropping said weapons and being whacked by the Ninja's obstacle course. 

She also has one on her outer left thumb from slicing it open with a pocket knife while stripping a stick of its bark when she was bored. She tends to stay away from the kitchen after that incident and only helps if she doesn't have to use kitchen knives.

Skylar- She has a few random scars on her back and shoulders. Even she's not entirely sure how she got them but she figures its from practicing with new elements and accidentally hurting herself. Her hands are also covered in small cuts not only from training but also working in the kitchen (her father taught her when she was young)

Pixal- She doesn't necessarily have scars but she has scratches in her titanium from being Samurai X. Her fingers are particularly scratched up from working so much with machines and weapons.

Morro- I think he has a compulsive need to scratch and pick at his skin. So he picks at his face, scalp, and hands a lot which (especially in his youth) lead to a lot of pitting and scarring. His also has a jagged slash on the left side of his jaw that looks pretty wicked and gnarly.


First one, done! I also take requests, I'll probably thrive from them for ideas😅

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