Ch. 21 Recovery

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Lily’s P.O.V.
I’ve been waiting seven days to hear Jamie has woken up. I have been thinking, why aren’t there medications that can help her body fight the flare-up, and she’ll wake up sooner? But it’s probably not my place to ask. Considering how long Jamie has been dealing with this, I suspect Ratchet has been trying to figure out medications to help Jamie along with trying to cure her. I don’t know what caused this condition that Ratchet hasn’t cured or medication to help for twenty-one years.

I didn’t think I’d be allowed to see Jamie. Not surprised that Drift is holding her, but I didn’t think she’d look exhausted. I doubt she’ll be awake for long, which must be why the nasogastric tube is still in. Drift wants a few minutes before laying Jamie on the bed and tube feeding her.
“She’ll be asleep soon,” I comment.
“Yeah, it’s normal. Jamie will fully recover in a few days,” Jamie is asleep by the time Drift finishes the feeding, “I’ll take this out later.”
We leave the room.

The others are happy to hear that Jamie is through this flare-up and is recovery sleeping. Everyone is happy, even if we’re still waiting to get Jamie to do something with us.

Drift’s P.O.V.
Lily is still learning about Jamie. I hope she never sees a severe flare-up. I’m happy Lily wants to be Jamie’s friend even after knowing Jamie’s history.
“I can’t get used to seeing you worry like this,” Crosshairs comments, “this feels different from usual worrying.”
“She’s getting worse, fragging wanting a DNR in her file, and I can’t help her!”
I didn’t mean to raise my voice. Jamie is still asleep. Tears roll down my face as Crosshairs takes my hand, leading me out of the room.

Lightning’s P.O.V.
I don’t mind Crosshairs walking into my room without knocking, but I don’t like seeing Drift upset. The flare-up distracted him, and now he thinks about how Jamie wants a DNR in her file.
Crosshairs and I hug Drift as he cries and hugs Crosshairs. I hug Drift from behind. This probably looks weird, but he needs his friends. I want to ask Ratchet something, but I’d be revealing the secret.

We’re interrupted by Sunstreaker, oddly nervous, while explaining he wants to plan a birthday party for Lily. Uncertain if Crosshairs and Drift would be of any help and hoping Jamie will be ok since Lily’s birthday is in two weeks.
“Gee, you’d think he’s planning on proposing something,” Crosshairs jokes.
This gets Drift to smile.
“She’ll be fourteen. I’d be in trouble,” Sunstreaker points out.
“Aren’t human teens tired of birthday parties by this age?” I ask.
“I don’t know!” Sunstreaker snaps.
“I think it’s better to keep it simple. Hopefully, a day at the beach — though we’re hoping to go sooner — and maybe movies and video games afterward. Just add a birthday cake unless you know her favorite dinner, then ask Cogman to make it,” Drift suggests.
Sunstreaker nods and looks at Drift, worried but leaves the room.

The three of us talk about getting Jamie downstairs to watch T.V. tonight and, hopefully, in a few days, to the beach. I hate feeling like we’re just making sure Jamie doesn’t end up dead, and we can’t help her. Hoping we figure out something, but can we without forcing her to stay with us?
“What are you thinking about?” Crosshairs asks once Drift leaves the room.
“Uh... I’d say a way to help Drift and Jamie, but I don’t know if I could.”
I show Crosshairs my phone with the website I’ve been reading. Crosshairs takes a few minutes to look through the webpage.
“Do you realize the possible issue?”
+“Yes, I know Ratchet programmed our holoforms to be like humans, but is it 100% that this will work and be safe? I don’t think I can ask Ratchet without revealing the secret.”
“No, but I don’t think Drift and Jamie will want to go this route,” I’m amazed Crosshairs understands, “can we ever stop talking about this?”
“Not until our friends are happy, even if it’s the same ‘what can we do to help them?’”

Drift’s P.O.V.
Jamie slept most of the day, which is normal, though some Autobots had to be reminded even though they knew Jamie was in the medbay dealing with a flare-up in February. Hound has come by, and I can tell he wants to talk. This is why I didn’t want to tell anyone. 

Once Jamie is awake, I remove the nasogastric tube and carry her to the balcony. Sitting on the rocking chair. She’s still a little out of it, but she should be ok to go downstairs for dinner.
Crosshairs sits on the chair next to me and sighs, looking at our little lady. This is not what we had in mind for a vacation.

We’re happy that Jamie ate dinner and wants to play video games with Lily and Sideswipe. 
“I’m hoping she had a mood reset, you know?” I ask Crosshairs.
“Yeah, it’s interesting that sometimes happens. I doubt it’s because Jamie is tired, considering she’s still tired even after her nap today.”
With Crosshairs watching Jamie — though I doubt there’d be an issue — I go talk to Hound.

Hound isn’t sure what to say. Feeling bad that he was with Prime as he was talking about the DNR.
“I’m sorry you found out.”
“I can’t believe her mental health is that bad, and I can’t think of ways I can help. The others already hate how much Jamie is struggling, and if they find out about this,” Hound sighs.

Hound’s P.O.V.
I only know a fraction of what goes on in Jamie’s dimension, but it’s affected her here. She doesn’t talk much and spent the first three days here before the flare-up away from everyone. I know Optimus, Crosshairs, and Drift don’t want to force her to stay here, but maybe it’ll help her. It’s not my place to suggest anything, but I can try to do something with her. Hopefully, Jamie will do better sooner than later.

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