4. Trapped

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"I'm telling you, Phil!" Wilbur snapped angrily, "That's not Dream!"

"Listen, Wilbur. I get it, you've like him for a while and the way he's been acting is unlike him, but -" Phil began, immediately being cut off.

"No! I'm serious! There's something different! It's not him!" Wilbur said angrily, "I'm gonna find out what it is!"

Wilbur stomped out of the house, slamming the door angrily behind him. Why couldn't anyway else see it!?

His communicator buzzed, catching his attention. He pulled up the latest message.

DreamXD: Something IS wrong with Dream! He's in danger!!


DreamXD: Meet me at the End portal

Wilbur shoved his communicator I'm his pocket. DreamXD was the server's protector! Something was definitely wrong if he was messaging Wilbur about Dream.

He rushed to the stronghold, already knowing where it was because of the roleplay they did.

"XD! XD! I KNEW SOMETHING WAS WRONG!" Wilbur cried, "But we can help him, right!?"

"Don't worry, mortal." XD said, holding a hand out, it began to glow a bright teal, "We will..."


Dream had been in the void for a while. He had no clue how long, time worked differently there, just like in limbo.

His lips were blue, and his fingers had been blue for a while and were begining to turn purple. He was shivering uncontrollably and his eyes were glazed over.

A bright green light flashed through the void, revealing XD.

"Daydream. Are you ready to behave?" XD asked, staring down at him.

Dream managed to look up, a weak glare forming, "A-are you ready to l-let me to?"

XD glared, before a smile grew on his face, "I think there's someone you should see. He'll help you to behave."

With a snap of his fingers, someone appeared beside XD, immediately shivering because of the void's freezing temperature.

"Wilbur!?" Dream exclaimed, his eyes widening in shock and fear.


"This mortal knew too much." XD explained, "He was messing with my plans."

"What plans!?" Dream demanded fearfully.

"None you need concern yourself with. Now listen, Dream. The void is too cold for afull human. So you behave or he'll freeze to death here and come back. Over and over. Until I decide to free him from a cycle of painful deaths and reviving."

"WHAT! NO! XD, YOU CAN'T!" Dream cried.

"Hmm...seems you still don't understand. Maybe his first death will convince you."

With that, XD disappeared in a dazzling green light, leaving Dream and Wilbur in the freezing void.

"Wilbur...I'm so sorry, I should just listen to him and then you can be free-"

"No!" Wilbur cried, "Don't give in to that maniac! He's doing this to make you give in, so don't do it. No matter what happens to me."


"No! Dream, promise me you won't give in to this maniac." Wilbur said, taking Dream's cold hands in his own.

"But what if he-"

"Promise me!"

Dream hesitated, before sighing, "..I promise."

Wilbur smiled, "Good." He shrugged out of his giant coat, wrapping it around Dream, "Wear this, you're freezing."

"But you're still human," Dream said, trying to take the coat off, "You need it more than me."

"Eh... technically half ghost now, remember?" Wilbur said with a grin, "Cold doesn't bother me as much now."

Dream's eyes widened, "Of course! But...how did XD not know?"

"He's a bit... preoccupied..." Wilbur trailed off, "How long have you been here?"

"I'm not sure...time here is strange, an hour can feel like a whole day."

"There's another you at the Smp. He's acting strange, and has been making weapons and TNT." Wilbur explained, "No one's done anything so far, and when I was going to, XD captured me."

"WHAT!?" Dream cried, his eyes filling with tears, that froze painfully to his face as they fell, "Has...has no one been able to tell...?"

"He hasn't really done anything incriminating yet!" Wilbur frantically reassured, hating the sight of tears, "I'm sure they'll be able to stop him!"

Dream didn't respond, instead burrowing further into the coat. Wilbur carefully put his arms around him, hugging him close to conserve heat, and that was definitely the only reason.

"In fact, I'm sure they're stopping XD's madness right now."


Sapnap woke up with a groan, slowly sitting up. He began to realize where he was.

Pandora's Vault.

He looked around, noticing the lava was blocked so he couldn't swim in it to get out. Standing in front of the barrier though, was Dream.

"Dream! What the fuck, man!" He yelled, cringing at the bloody walls of the cell. During the lore, Quackity hadn't told them about the torture, he just impulsively started it which caused a lot of pain for Dream.

"You're finally awake. Took you long enough." Dream said, the grin he wore hidden by his mask.

"What the hell!? Let me out! Stop messing around!" Sapnap yelled angrily, although his eyes were filled with fear.

Dream burst out laughing, "You think I'm messing with you!? That's hilarious!"

Sapnap watched him laugh. Watched his best friend become a cruel, vindictive stranger.

It was terrifying.

"I've had enough of you and your pathetic ways!" Dream said, "You can stay here and rot, like I did!"

"How many times do we have to tell you!?" Sapnap yelled, "We're sorry about the torture stuff, okay!?"


Red hot fury encased Sapnap, and he stood up, lunging at Dream. His fist connected with his face.


A bit that would possibly break bones, and definitely break his mask did nothing.

"What are you...?" Sapnap gasped before he could think.

Dream stood silent.

"So. I guess that's how it's gonna be. A monster in storyline and one in real life too, huh?" Dream asked coldy.

"APPARENTLY! CAUSE YOU KEEP ACTING LIKE THIS!" Sapnap yelled, angry because Dream wasn't supposed to be the one getting mad, he was the one doing all this!


Dream disappeared in purple particles, revealing he had a stasis chamber set.

Sapnap glanced around frantically, then looked in his inventory, his eyes sparkling with hope.

He had all of his stuff! Dream hadn't cleared his inventory!

He grabbed a pearl, throwing it over the barrier and into the lava.

He had to get out and warn the others.

They needed to stop Dream.

Step two is complete.

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