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Dream held the handle of the sword tightly.

This is it.

No admin.

No more problems.

He sighed as he looked over the Smp. The people in it.

He knew XD had effected Wilbur. His connection had wavered and was different.

But he hadn't expected Foolish to help.

Dream idly traced the intricate patterns on the sword's handle. He had based it on one he had made many years ago.

"'Not even an admin can overcome a Protector's Control.'" Dream said, quoting what XD had told him so long ago.

"No admin. No protector." Dream said with a small, sad smile.

"I'll never let you win, XD."

In the strange light of the end, a locket could be found.

It was an eye of ender, with a clasp so carefully hidden you wouldn't even know it was there.

On the floor near it was a crumpled, slightly torn drawing.

It was dated and childish. The crayon marks were faded and coming off.

The two people in the drawing were holding hands.

It was wet with tears.

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I know, I know. That ending was evil.

But isn't every ending just another begining? ;)


The Sorrow Within

Heroes and Villains (You guys vote on if it's a story or a comic :) )


And of course, because I love you guys and think it'd be nice:

A Broken and Burned Heart

Hope to see y'all there!!!

Also check out some of my online friend's YT channels!!

Thebackyardboys: https://youtube.com/@Thebackyardboys

Go show him some smiley love!!

:) :) :) :) :) :):) :) :) :) :) :):) :) :) :) :) :)

XD stared at the puddle of blood on the ground. The sword on it was unmistakable.

He idly traced the patterns on the sword handle on the tattoo on his chest.

It matched exactly.

"Stabbed in the heart..." XD said out loud, staring at it.

"You stabbed yourself in yours, and destroyed mine..."

He fell to his knees, still staring at the blood. It's like he couldn't move away.

"I was here to protect you and your world.....no matter what happened...this was bound to happen. This tattoo appeared when the humans took you in for the first time."

A tear fell on the ground, others followed after immediately.

"I finally get it now.."

XD stood up, lifting the sword.

"I guess humans were right about one thing..."

"Attachments affect us greatly."

A puddle of golden blood splattered the ground, tainting the green of the earth, and the crimson of his younger brother's blood.

:) :) :) :) :) :)

A Protector's Control [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now