End of school party

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I reached my house before the other so decided I'd grab all the beach towels and sun creams I could find and load them into my black convertible. As soon as I put all the necessary things that we would need, the girls pulled up in Sarah's red BMW. "Hey you guys ready for the beach?" I asked as they got out, "Sure we just need to change into our bikinis and then we are." Layla spoke as we all made our way to my room. I pulled on my baby blue bikini and then my high waist denim shorts and a blue tank top. I grabbed my sunglasses, and walked to the kitchen to grab a can of coke. 

I thought about how Tyler had told me he had feelings for a girl. I know that it was bound to happen one day but who would have guessed it would be in high school. "Angel your phone!" Sarah shouted as my phone kept ringing, I hadn't even realised it was ringing. My thoughts about Tyler had obviously distracted me. I pulled back to reality and answered my phone.

"Hey, Jack" I said, "Hey, I wanted to tell you bout my end of school party for summer. It's tonight and well I hope you come." Jack spoke, my face lit up at the mention of a party. "Sure I will be there and you know I would never turn down a party." I said my smile growing wide. "Oh and Angel you can bring your group if you want." He said before hanging up.

"Right girls, we have a party tonight for the beginning of summer and end of school. I do hope you guys are coming this time." I said before walking to my car, they all followed behind "I call shotgun!" Hayley shouted once she reached my side. "Alright." I said before getting in and pressing the button to put the roof down. I do love it when I can drive this car. It's the best, has the most fantastic sound system plus you can put the roof down. The girls climbed in and before we knew it Hayley had the music blaring and we all were singing along.

It was a 5 minute drive to the beach from my house. We parked up the car and ran over to the boys with all our bags and towels. Jake turned and kissed Layla while Sarah and Hayley began a conversation with Lewis and Tyler came over to me, giving me a hug. He smiled at me before speaking "Okay, how about we find a place for us to sunbath and chill before heading into the sea." Everyone looked at each other nodding in agreement, "I can't wait to get you soaked in the sea." Tyler whispered into my ear, causing his light breath to send shivers down my back. 

Once we found the perfect spot on the beach, us girls laid out our towels and stripped into our bikinis, while the three boys went to get some drinks. "Angel spill." Layla said before I had a chance to lie down, "what?" I asked completely clueless. "Angel spill, since when did you and brother become close?" Sarah asked as we all laid down on our towels. "I guess we are sorta friends but, I don't think that Tyler and me would ever be more than that. I mean come on he's my best friend's brother and the guy that annoys me to the brink of exhaustion." I answered with a slight smile, I do love how me and Tyler always find a way to annoy each other yet, laugh at the same time.

"Right honey, coz you don't have any feeling what so ever for Tyler?" Hayley questioned, I thought about it for a few seconds "Well... No, not really, I mean I guess you could say I have friendship feelings for him but nothing serious or anything..." I answered looking over at Hayley who was applying sun cream to her body. "What feelings? And who is he?" I heard Tyler ask.

Great he had to overhear the last bit of the conversation, instead of answering his question I asked him one, "Ty what drink have you got me?" I said looking up at him, through my eyelashes, he looked at me then the others, realising they were all drinking and talking. "Well sugar, I got you a nice glass of..." Before he finished, I screamed as he poured ice cold water over me. "OMG TYLER!" I shouted as he ran for the sea, I pulled myself up and chased after him. He was soo dead!

I couldn't believe he did that, well I could but still. I caught up to Tyler and pushed him under the water, but he ended up pulling me down with him. That guy is one annoying piece of work. I resurfaced with staggered breathing at the same time Tyler did, we just stayed there staring at each other. His hand came up to my face and he moved all the hair out of my eyes and then cupped my cheek. "Hey, guys common, we're gonna be late for the party." I hadn't even thought of the time.
Quickly, I ran out of the water and towards my towel before drying myself and pulling on my shorts and top. "Hey, slow down Angel." Tyler said but, I just seemed to rush towards my car. I didn't want to speak to him, not after what almost happened. The girls were already in the car so; I jumped in and sped towards my house. "Angel, you wanna slow down?" Sarah said from the passenger seat. I looked at the speedometer and realised that I was going way to fast, naturally I eased my foot of the acceleration. 

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