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   10 years later

"Honey you need to hurry up. We cant have you late now can we." Sarah said as I ran around the room looking for my clothes, "nope, not sure that would make this day good." I said laughing. Tyler had stayed true to his promise and replaced the promise ring with an engagement one, only three years ago. See today is my wedding day and I'm nervous as hell but also super excited. I mean who wouldn't be when they are marrying the most amazing man they know. Everyone was here except my parents but that was something no one could change. I felt sad that my dad wouldn't be giving me away and that I would never be able to see him cry as I say 'I do.

I was already dressed in my amazing wedding gown, it was simple with white lace and it had a tight bodice that flowed out at my hips into a simple long skirt. It was the first dress I saw and I gotta say I fell in love with it. I had my friends as bridesmaids and they would be wearing a simple pink dress that was long as well. I was really scared to get married, my brother would be doing the father speech for me and well he also offered to give me away, it was a small gesture that meant so much to me. I felt my eyes prick with tears as the car pulled up to the venue. It was a traditional wedding. 

"You ready?" Drew said, I nodded not trusting my voice. "They are here in spirit you know and they would be extremely proud of you." He said pulling me into a hug before the music began and it was our turn to walk.

As I was walking down the aisle I saw Tyler stood their looking hott in his tux. I still kinda can't believe that I'm getting married today. I hadn't realised that we had reached Tyler and the others at the front of the church, Drew gave Tyler my hand and I felt my lips form a smile. The usual was said but we had decided to write our own vows. "Tyler would you please read your vows." The minister said, I was watching as Ty got out some folded piece of paper and began reading them, the whole time looking into my eyes. "Angel, I can't explain how much I love you. But I can say that you cause me happiness and annoyance. You test my limits, you make me smile even when I'm in the worst mood. I love you with everything I have. I promise to always be here for you and to never leave you. I promise to love you forever, you opened up my heart and made me fall hard for ya. I think I could have a bruise from the fall you give me. Being with you is something I never wanna forget. I promise to treasure you, make you happy and always be the first person you turn to for anything." He finished off with a small wink at me, I couldn't help the huge smile that took over my face. "Angel your vows please" I nodded and recited my own vows, "Tyler you were the one person I never thought I'd be marrying, but I cant express how glad that I am. I remember when I hated you coz you saw me like family. You've given me an unforgettable summer 10 years ago. You made me happy when my dad died. You never left me and I promise to never leave you. I promise to never hurt or push you away again. I promise to always be there no matter, I promise to love you for as long as we both shall live." I finished and saw Ty smiling at me, we both knew what would be happening soon. "Tyler do you take Angel to be your lawful wedded wife?" The minister asked, "I do" He spoke sliding the ring on my finger, "Angel do you take Tyler as your lawful wedded husband?" The minister asked me, "I do" I spoke as I slid the ring on Ty's hand. "I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride." The minister finished as everyone began to clap, Ty dipped me like in a movie, such a cheesy move, before he let his lips meet mine.

We had pictures after where there were a series of groups, I couldn't explain how happy I was. Even though my parents weren't here I was still really happy and I knew that they were here in spirit. "You okay?" Ty asked as everyone left to go to the hall where the after party was, "yeh, just thinking bout my parents." I said looking up into his eyes. He smiled down at me causing my knees to go weak. "Let's enjoy the night, wife." Ty said with his usual smirk, I laughed as we headed into the hall.

It was an hour into the evening and we had eaten the meal which was delicious. It was time for our first dance as the plates were cleared, the song began playing and I smiled. It was the same song that my parents played at their wedding for their first dance, it was 'You're Song' by John Legend. "OMG, how did ya know?" I spoke as we continued to dance, "I saw it in a video that was at your house. Also Drew told me bout it." He said as a small blush formed on his cheeks. "You're too cute" I said laughing as his cheeks turn even more pink. 

Everyone else began dancing as the song changed. I went into the room we hired and changed into a simple white dress that is easier to move in. After I had changed I went back to the party, on the way I ran into Drew, "You look beautiful, mom and dad would be proud of ya." He said giving me a hug, I smiled as I felt my eyes prick with tears. I did everything I could not to let them fall. 

The night was fantastic we had an amazing ceremony and even better family and friends. I couldn't have asked for a better day or better friends that I can now class as my new family. I know that if my parents were here, I would be crying my eyes out alongside my mother. Drew came over, "wanna dance little sis?" I nodded as he lead me to the dance floor along with Sarah leading Ty to the dance floor. I gotta say Tyler is a good dancer and man he has some amazing moves. Drew spun me around the dance floor for two songs before Ty wanted me back, "couldn't wait any longer eh" I said laughing lightly, his cheeks turned a slight pink, "Nope don't fell like sharing my wife tonight." He said making me blush light red. 

"Okay bride and groom. Time for the cutting of the cake and then the grand exit." Drew shouted over everyone, I walked to the cake along with Ty. He wanted a chocolate cake but I wanted red velvet so we decided to go for both. A tier of each type of cake that can make everyone happy, especially me and Ty. We cut the cake and then I smirked at him making him back away slightly knowing what I had in mind. Laughing casually I pushed the cake into his face, it happened to be a slice of chocolate cake. "Taste okay?" I asked as he wiped off his mouth and picking up his own slice of cake, "Yeh, but I wanna know what you think." He said advancing on me and pushing cake into my face, damn it was extraordinary, "Hmm. Red velvet my fave." I said laughing as I wipe off my own cake covered face. We spent about half an hour before we had to leave for our honeymoon. I have to say I couldn't wait, we were going on a cruise. "Everyone please say goodbye to the happy couple." My brother shouted once again, all eyes turned to me and Ty as we walked to the doors. Waving as we got into the car I looked around at all our friends smiling and happy faces. It was a fantastic summer and damn it changed my life 10 years ago. 

I knew that no matter how hard things got Tyler would be there along with all my friends who love me like family. I couldn't say it will be a happy ever after as the future holds the unknown. All I can say is that I will be happy no matter what life throws at me as I have Tyler and my amazing friends to help me through all the crazy things that may lay ahead. 

                                                                              THE END.

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