Fun and Games

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So after the funeral and gathering at the pub, Tyler took me out for ice cream. We went a few towns over to this small but cute diner, where Ty bought us a huge sundae special. I mean it was delicious but massive. We headed home after we finished and were met with Drew and Sarah making out on the sofa, I mean it was awkward. No one wants to walk in on your brother making out with your best friend especially when you're on a date with their brother. Things seemed to stop as they saw us and to say everyone was embarrassed was a colossal understatement. We all just stood there like idiots, I mean if a feather fell you would hear it gently touch the floor due to the immense silence in the room.

After a few minutes me and Ty just went to the studio, where we spent the night. Ty was the only person outside of the family that heard me sing, I mean dad had always overheard me when I used to dance around singing, but he never truly saw me sing a full song. I know that showing Tyler was a risk but I totally trusted him with my secret. I mean he has been with me through all of this and he's been amazing. You could say that I'm falling deeper each and every day.

"Angel, you done in the shower?" Ty asked from outside the bathroom door. See I've spent the last few days at Tyler's house and we have gotten much closer, "yeh." I said opening the door. Tyler just stood there staring at me, I began to get confused as to why, I mean I have underwear on, granted I didn't have much clothing but it wasn't like I was naked. "Hello?" Tyler's mom said from outside the door, looking at Tyler I realised he was only in his boxers and his hair was wet from his shower before mine. I couldn't help but want to run my hands through his hair. Tyler stepped forward so there was mere inches in between us, all I had to do was lean forward and our lips would be touching. I so totally wanted to kiss him, it was eating at me not to lean forward and close the short distance. I guess Tyler had the same thought as he leant forward and kissed me, it was slow and passionate.

We pulled apart to catch our breath, I hadn't realised we were on the bed. I mean I didn't realise that we had even moved away from the door. So currently Tyler was hovering over me with his arms beside my head, he kept most of his weight off me. "Guys!" Tyler's mom shouted again but coming into the room this time. Oh god I had totally forgotten about her shouting from outside the room. She froze as she looked at us on the bed. Sh*t this must look bad, I mean both of us half naked on his bed with messy hair. I felt my face turn scarlet red and I also saw a small blush creep onto Tyler's cheeks. Tyler's mom however looked over joyed, I couldn't help but laugh at the situation.

The two of them just looked at me before they began to laugh as well. Common if you were in my position you would laugh. "Well, I wanted you both to know that breakfast was ready but I see you're somewhat occupied." Tyler's mom said as she looked at us again, Tyler was now sitting beside me on the bed, "Maa we weren't doing anything like that." Ty said going red in his cheeks, "Oh my Ty you're blushing," I said holding in laughter, he saw this but didn't really find it funny. "You're gonna regret that..." he didn't finish his sentence because he started tickling my sides. Maybe I haven't told you, but I'm ticklish. Big time as well. Tyler had figured this out yesterday when he ran his hand over my stomach causing me to burst out laughing.

Instead of fighting back I did the opposite, I let him tickle me for a minute before I crashed my lips to his. I told you I did what anyone in my position would, I knew that trying to fight him was impossible so I just kissed him. You could say it's his weakness. This time when we pulled back for air there was food on his desk, I guess his mom had brought it up for us. I went over and grabbed the bacon, I loved bacon. It was like my favourite food, well second, first was ice cream. I began eating and soon I had finished my plate, there was a note on the desk. I picked it up along with Ty's food and brought it to the bed. While Tyler ate the bacon I read the note. "Your mom is working late today." I say out loud, Ty just nodded as he finished his food.

We spent the morning watching movies. I think I might be putting on weight from all this lazing around, Ty put in another film but I was restless. "Let's bake!" I yelled jumping up and dragging Tyler to the kitchen. Sarah had been spending a large amounts of time in Drew's room so she wasn't at home. "I can't bake." Ty moaned as I handed him ingredients, his mom was an amazing cook but Ty had never even cooked toast, I guess he always had cereal. I however wasn't taking no as an answer so I made a deal he couldn't refuse. "If you do this without moaning once then I will do something you want without questions." I finished and saw that he was contemplating it. He nodded and gave me a small kiss, "Deal." He whispered in my ear.

"How long till they're cooked?" Ty asked as we took a seat at the breakfast bar. Turns out Tyler enjoyed baking, especially when it was brownies that we were cooking. "Not long, so what you wanna do while we wait?" I asked changing the subject, I never thought Ty could be so impatient with cooking. Don't get me wrong he didn't moan once but he was constantly eating the ingredients. "You know. You have to do one thing without questions right?" Ty asked knowing the answer, I nodded seeing his smile become mischievous, oh no. "Well I want you to play a game of truth or dare with me." He said eyes sparkling, I let out the breath that I didn't know I was holding. Wait what? Truth or dare? "Okay." I said smiling back, it wasn't what I thought.

Tyler started the game, "Truth or dare?" I thought for a minute before choosing, "truth." "Alright. Do you think I'm hot?" Seriously, he probably knew the answer, I blushed before "Yes. Truth or Dare?" I ask as he smiles at the answer. "Truth" I thought for a second "Okay. What do you think of me?" I asked curious of the answer. "I think you are..."

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