Truth or Dare

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 It was around 8.30 when I woke to the mouth-watering smell of bacon, I was still tired but I was hungry. I got up and showered quickly leaving my hair in a messy bun, unwashed. I pulled on a simple tank top and shorts before running down the stairs. "Someone's in a hurry." Tyler's voice said from the couch freezing me in my tracks, towards the kitchen. "Food," was all I said before entering the kitchen, where everyone was except for Jake.

Jake was your typical guy, he refused to get up before 9am, unless it was school or a work day. Layla nudged my arm causing me to be pulled back into the room. "What was that for?" I asked looking around at everyone, some had smiles on their faces and others looked like they were holding back laughter. Layla had a smirk playing on her lips, this meant only one thing. BAD NEWS!

"BOO!" I jumped falling backwards off my stool, before I hit the floor two arms wrapped around my waist pulling me to my feet. Naturally, I turned to see who it was, who just scared me half to death. I saw him, with that stupid smirk. "You...You Idiot! I can't believe you!" I shouted angry. TYLER was soo DEAD! Tyler saw the look in my eyes and took off out the back doors onto the beach. I grabbed my bacon roll, before running after him. I didn't fully start after him until I finished my food. Once I had it I saw that he had slowed down so I took off at full speed, it took only a few minutes for me to get closer. I hadn't realised he had stopped until I bashed into his chest causing us both to tumble into the sand.

Tyler stayed still underneath me as I slapped away at his chest, after I felt slightly calmer I stopped. I moved slightly to the side so we were both more comfy, "You hit like a girl." Tyler stated as we laid there, that caused me to laugh quietly. He moved his arm so it was wrapped round my waist and we just laid there in silence. I'm guessing we stayed like that for at least 10 minutes before the others came out. Layla was the first to speak, "OMG they look so cute." She said causing me to move slightly. Hayley spoke up next "Yes. Now WAKE UP!" I opened my eyes to see her standing next to Tyler who must of fallen asleep.

"So what we doing today?" A tired looking Jake came out and asked us. I looked round at the group, who had formed a circle. I was looking round; when I noticed that most the girls were in bikinis and the guys in trunks, except for me and Tyler. "Well, right now, I need to change into a bikini and then we can hang out at the beach." I said, standing up and dusting off my shorts. "Me too." I hear Tyler say as I started walking away, towards the house.

I reached my room and pulled open the door, once I stepped into my room, I stripped out of my shorts and top. I went to my draw full of bikinis and pulled out a cute baby pink one and went to my bathroom to change and freshen up. As I walked out, in the middle of daydreaming I come face to face with Tyler. I was still only in my bikini while he was in his swimming shorts and a white shirt as well, which showed off his toned chest perfectly. "See something you like?" Tyler asked causing me to look up; I felt my cheeks turn a light pink. I can't believe my body would betray me like this. I looked up from his body, "Nope, what bout you?" I answered as I saw his eyes canning my body and lingering on my stomach. "Yes I have." He answered with a smirk, I turned my back to him as I pulled out a black cardigan and a towel.

After spending the whole day at the beach and round the shops we returned home, all of us tired and worn out, but no where near ready to sleep. "Chinese or pizza?" I asked, as we all sat around the living room. "Pizza!" "Chinese!" They all shouted in unison. Okay, boys want pizza and girls want Chinese. I went to the phone in the kitchen and rung up the pizza shack. "Hello, I would like to order one large margarita pizza and one large pepperoni pizza please." I waited for the reply of how much it would be and how I'd like to pay. "Cash on delivery please." The guy answered "Ok, your order will take 15 minutes." I told him the address and a quick bye before hanging up. I then called up the Chinese takeout, "Hello, I would like the 2nd deal and prawn crackers along with 7 fortune cookies" I said, "Okay, that will be 15 minutes. What's the address?" I told the lady the address and a quick thanks before hanging up.

I walked back into the living room and saw Sarah choosing a movie. I took a seat next to Lewis and Tyler on the sofa. Yes I'm sat in between two hot guys. "You took your time." Tyler spoke moving closer, "yeh, well I had to choose the right food." I said catching everyone's attention. I could see they were all eager to hear what dinner would be. Instead of telling them, I just asked "so what movie we watching then?" "We're watching Divergent." Sarah spoke as she put the disc in and sat next to Hayley, on the other sofa.

15 minutes into the movie the door went; I got up, grabbing the money on the way, before answering the door. It was the pizza guy, "Hey, that's £20 please." I handed him the money and took the pizza boxes. He thanked me before leaving, shutting the door, I walked into the kitchen to grab the plates before walking into the living room and placing them down. I left the food in the kitchen and just brought in the drinks, as I was heading back to the kitchen the door went again. I opened it and saw the Chinese. "That's £15, please." The woman said, I handed her the money and took the food. The woman walked off I shut the door. Grabbing the pizzas, I walked into the living room, "food anyone?" I asked as I placed down the pizzas and emptied the bag of Chinese.

After we all finished eating we had drunk 2 bottles of wine and half a bottle of JD. "Time for a game!" Hayley shouted grabbing a bottle of wine. "Truth or Dare, Lewis?" Jake said as we formed a circle in the middle of the room. "Truth," he answered "Who's the hottest girl in the room?" Hayley asked laughing. "You of course" he replied smirking at her. They need to the deed already. "Truth or Dare, Angel?" Lewis asked, I thought about it but didn't know what to pick. "Erm... dare?" I said but it came out more like a question, Lewis laughed before saying, "I dare you to... kiss.... Ja, no Tyler." What the hell have I got myself into! I felt Tyler tense slightly next to me. I smiled at Jake before turning to face Tyler. Here I go. I leaned in and kissed Tyler. Yes, I kissed the guy I hate. That's not the worst bit tho, I actually enjoyed kissing him, and he kissed me back.

For the rest of the game I couldn't get the fact that I kissed Tyler and he kissed me back. "Angel, you gonna go bed or just stay there all night?" Tyler asked, "Oh yeah, sorry, I must of zoned out." I replied getting up and walking towards the stairs. "Angel wait up." I heard him say but it caused me to walk faster to my room.

I walked out of my bathroom to Tyler laying on my bed. Oh my, does he not give up or go away. "You're in my way." I said pulling the covers down. "Wait, please." He said causing me to look at him. He just said please. Am I dead, or sleeping? "Look, when you kissed me, err it was different." He stuttered, while I was confused. Before I could even answer, his lips were on mine. It seemed like my body took over, as I kissed him back and he nibbled at my bottom lip. I let him deepen the kiss, as I pulled his shirt off and threw it across the room. He pulled me up so my legs wrapped around his waist as he held my hips.

I needed to stop, but my body refused. I leaned back causing us to fall on my bed. Tyler was kissing and biting my neck when I found my voice, "Ty, this erm... this...Tyler" I tried to say, he pulled back and looked into my eyes. "We should stop." He spoke finishing my sentence. I nodded and laid back against my pillow, while Tyler went to leave. "You don't have to go." I said causing him to look at me, "Really?" He asked and I nodded, he then pulled me into his arms and I laid my head on his chest. I fell asleep a few minutes later. I felt like I was home, which was weird, right?

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