The beach house

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It was the day that we were travelling to the beach house. WOOP! I was so excited, which is extremely weird as I'm never in a good mood at this early time. Yes, it's 9.15 in the morning . I danced my way around the room before plugging in my IPod and playing some tunes to dance along to. "Who are you and what have you done with my sister?" I froze as Drew's voice rang out; I turned and let a huge grin spread across my face. "I'm not an alien, just a teenage girl high on caffeine." I spoke with a giggle; I hugged my brother before dancing along to the music again. "Not again." He finished, confusion took over my face. What was he on about? "What?" I asked just before Tyler walked to my brother's side. Then it hit me, we were going to the beach house. I had totally forgot, how bad of me. I couldn't help laughing at my stupidness, running to Tyler pulling him into a hug. He looked slightly taken aback and stiff; I pulled back and left my room, not forgetting to shout "Don't forget my bags." 

Once downstairs I got into the car with my girls and breathed a sigh of happiness. "Oh no," I heard Layla sigh; I laughed causing them to understand why Layla was not pleased with me. I might have left out the key message, me and caffeine don't mix well. Tyler put my case in his trunk before getting into his car and starting it up, he had to follow us as he wasn't sure about where he was going. Yep you might have guessed but Tyler hasn't been to my beach house much. I know weird but hey, he's always causing problems. To be fully honest Tyler and I together don't always mix well, almost like me and caffeine.

"Angel, should we stop for some lunch or carry on?" Sarah asked, I hadn't even realised we were halfway there, or that she was driving. Wow I'm a lousy friend . "Erm... We should stop. I'm sure the boys are starving and I am in desperate need for a pee." I said smiling at them, not even needing to explain about the amount of caffeine I had drunk. They all started laughing, before the car pulled off the freeway to a service station. Before the car had even stopped moving I ran out to the toilet. Yep it was that bad. As I ran, I left behind my best friends laughing their pants off. 

After a very refreshing pee, I left the toilet and found the boys in the McD's queue, the girls were at a table. I started debating whether to join the girls or the boys. I didn't even realise I'd stopped in the centre of the doorway to the toilets before a small boy pulled on my hand. Looking down I smiled before looking around seeing my surroundings and moving out of his way. Yep, need to decide quick. I ran over to the boys and tapped Jake on his back, "Hey, do you know what we're having?" I casually asked. He looked at me "Yeh McDonalds." He said in a duh kinda way, I laughed "Obviously, but like food wise, you dummy." I spoke back. Tyler jumped in saying "We know what everyone wants. Now how bouts you find a lovely seat for your butt and I shall join you with food." He smirked while I stood there for a few seconds. I sighed before walking to the girls. Urg, I hate that boy and his too big of and ego. 

"Hey." I said sitting next to Layla, "Hi" they all answered in unison causing us all to burst out laughing. Wow we need to change up the greetings. After about five minutes the boys arrived with our food and we began to eat. I hadn't realised how hungry I was until the food was placed in front of me. "So you were hungry." Tyler spoke through his laughing; I glared at him before taking a sip of my coke. I still can't believe he is actually coming; maybe I could lock him out and see what happens. No I can't that, it would be too mean. "Angel." "Angel, hello?" I looked up realising Hayley was calling me, "You finished? It's time to go." I looked down at the empty table before getting up and walking towards the doors. "Yeh, I musta zoned out." I said getting into the car, everyone was already in and waiting for us.

We reached the beach house not long afterwards and the boys took all the bags in while us girls chose which rooms we wanted. I obviously got the biggest and best room, seeing as it is my beach house, though all the rooms were great and pretty huge. They all had a bathroom attached so that there wasn't any track in the night to find a toilet. "Angel is this what you call a beach house?" I hear Tyler say as he carries my bags up stairs along with his. I couldn't help checking him out. Don't judge, he is hot and you know you'd do the same. "Yepp. It's not used much anymore. Only during the summer when the group come up here." I said casually taking my bags and placing them at the end of my bed before showing Tyler to his room. He happened to have the room opposite mine which it was just a nice as mine. It used to be Drew's room when we came here as kids with mom and dad. 

I walked back to my room letting the memories fade as I unpacked. My room had a king sized four poster double bed, with a wooden bench at the end. There was a window over a window seat and a huge wardrobe. Dad had also added in a desk with mirrors so that I could use it for a makeup table. Everything was made out of wood and held a historical feature to it. I loved this room best as the walls were a sea blue and it had soft cream carpet with a black fur rug in the centre. Don't worry, it's not real fur. "Angel do you need any help?" Tyler asked from my door, looking at my suitcase I realise I still had a lot to do. "Yep, that would help save some time." I spoke smiling as he began helping me put my clothes in the draws and wardrobe.

It took only half an hour with Tyler's help and annoying flirty comments. He found it funny to compliment my underwear and make sly comments about my bikinis and dresses. I was soo close to killing him but Sarah came to help but I think she just wanted to keep the peace. I could see the looks they exchanged with each other, it was as if they knew something I didn't. I tried asking them a few times but they just pushed it off by saying that it was about the girls Ty sleeps with. After everyone had unpacked we ordered pizza and watch a movie before having an early night. We all knew that this would be the only early night for the next few weeks because it was summer so there would be loads of parties and late nights.

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