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 I woke up to a pounding headache and arms wrapped around me. Looking over my shoulder I saw Tyler, OMG! What happened last night? I don't remember anything after mine and Cameron's conversation. "Tyler hurry up. We are gonna be late!" Sarah shouted barging into the room. Oh No! "Angel? What the hell!" I felt myself go red. Tyler chose that moment to wake up. Great timing. "Explain now." I said to him getting annoyed all over again.

Tyler explained everything and why I was in one of his shirts. I still couldn't believe I'd gone swimming in my dress. It cost a lot of money and doesn't do water very well. My dad will kill me, I know it sounds crazy considering the amount of money we have but my dad always told me to respect and look after my things.

I walked out of Tyler's room and into my own, seeing clothes all over my bed. What... I remember doing this. I can't remember why but I remember pulling clothes out of draws and my closet. It was as though the night was coming back in clips. I need a shower to calm down and then I will remember last night.

After a long shower I dressed and followed Tyler to the kitchen. Last night still was a blur, but I didn't really mind. "You know we need them to admit their feelings." Sarah said, I know it's wrong to eavesdrop but I did it anyway. I grabbed Tyler's arm and pushed him to the wall, "What..." he started to say before I put my hand over his mouth. "shh, I want to listen to this." I whispered causing my breath to tickle his neck. "....but he wouldn't do anything like that." Sarah answered, "yeh but he might if it's pushed upon them" Hayley stated. "Hay I know my brother." Just as she said that I felt Tyler's lips on my neck.

I forgot my friend's conversation and brought Tyler's lips to mine. He didn't wait to deepen the kiss and I was in no mood to complain. I raked my hands through his hair as he lifted me, so my legs could wrap around his waist. He had one hand on my back and the other around my waist. As his lips came back to mine, he flipped us so I was against the wall. Just as the kiss deepened and my hands began to pull his shirt off, someone coughed. We broke apart to see Sarah and Hayley at the door to the kitchen. The room was silent for what seemed like hours, no one knew what to say.

"Did someone die?" Layla asked as she and Jake came into the room, "Nope." I said and "what's breakfast?" Tyler spoke. We all laughed and walked into the kitchen where Lewis was eating a batch of food that was on the table. We all joined in eating the food. I couldn't help but think about how far we would have gone if the girls hadn't interrupted us. I laughed as I felt Tyler's hand run up my side, everyone looked at me like I was insane. "I just remembered last night and what happened." I said pushing Ty's hand off my side only to have him hold my hand.

What was his deal? He's never acted like this before. "Well, we're going out and think you two should clear the tables and sort out some games for when we return." Hayley said as she grabbed Sarah's hand and they walked out the front door. Layla and Jake followed with Lewis trailing behind. "Well. That was weird." I said pointing to the door where they had just left. Tyler nodded before he collected the plates, "guess I'm washing?" I said grabbing the soap and pouring some into the sink and filling it with water.

Once we finished tidying up we sat on the sofa, I flipped through the TV channels as Ty kept running his hand across my waist. My top had ridden slightly exposing the skin there. "Ty, we erm.." I didn't have time to finish my sentence, his lips pressed against mine. My hands wrapped around his neck pulling him closer. His lips moved from my lips to my check then my neck. He kissed my neck repeatedly before returning his lips to mine. He leaned back on the sofa so I was straddling him, I felt safe with his arms around me. He deepened the kiss and I let a moan leave my lips and his lips worked at my neck again.

He turned us so he was on top and I leaned my head back to give him better access, to my neck. His lips found mine again and I pulled his shirt up exposing his perfectly toned six pack. Soon enough his shirt was on the floor and his lips were on mine again. It felt natural and perfect. I couldn't fully understand how I felt but I know that I sure had some feeling towards Tyler that I didn't know before.

"I told you it would work." Hayley said as she walked in the room. I hadn't realised the time. How long had we been making out. We didn't have sex but it could look like it. Our shirts were on the floor and we were laying together. I was on top of Tyler and felt cosy. I hadn't opened my eyes yet, they carried on talking, "Maybe you were right. I just hope they don't hurt eachother." Lewis said. Tyler moved slightly and I felt him gently kiss my forehead, I slowly opened my eyes to see Ty looking at me. He looked happy, he had a real smile on his lips and his eyes looked innocent. I could tell he didn't know we weren't alone. I went to speak only to be cut off by his lips pressing softly against mine. I kissed him back, I soon got lost in the kiss forgetting our friends in the room. Ty ran his hand up my side causing me to moan softly before we both fell.

"WHAT THE HELL!" I screamed as my body turned to ice. I looked up to see our friends smiling at us, "I'm guessing you two had some fun." Sarah said giving me a look I didn't understand. "We didn't have sex. Shesh we wouldn't do it on a sofa where we all have to sit on." Tyler said laughing slightly as he handed me his shirt, I pulled it over my head before getting up. I'm so glad I put on a bikini and not underwear that would have been even more awkward.

We spent the rest of the day on the beach relaxing before calling it an early night. Icouldn't get the thoughts of earlier with Ty out of my head. I know that I shouldn't like him, but I do. I'm not fully sure if I just like him or if it's more. But then it could just be lust, I'm pretty sure if it was lust we would of had sex earlier. This is bad, I couldn't be falling for him. He would break my heart just like with all the other girls.

These are some terrible consequences from last night. I know that we kiss but I didn't think it would lead to this. I mean come on who would've thought one kissed would make me realise I had feelings for a player. Worst of all is that he's also my best friend's brother. Maybe they all knew that we liked each other and were trying to get this to happen. But could Ty really like me or does he just want me, like a summer fling. I know what I want and I think that maybe I might him. 

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