Day at the beach

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I woke up to a pounding headache; I looked around to find my room in a mess and no one else there. I remembered everyone sleeping round after the party and Lewis stayed with me. Where are they, they wouldn't have gone home. I got up and had a hot shower, letting it relax my muscles and then pulled on some shorts and a tank top. I went downstairs and saw everyone in the living room talking. I heard a noise from the kitchen, so I walked in to find Tyler making a greasy fry up. OMG I could totally do with that right now, but instead just grabbed an apple and bottle of cold water from the fridge then sat on the breakfast island in the middle of the kitchen. 

Tyler turned around and smiled when he saw me sat eating my apple; I couldn't help but smile back. Wait Tyler didn't stay round. Did he? "Hey sleeping beauty you okay?" He asked taking a seat on one of the stools with his plate of food in front of him. My mouth began to water as the smells hit my noise, looking up to Tyler I slowly replied "Hey, I'm okay bit hangover but I shall live." I saw Tyler smile at my sarcasm "That's good then." He saw me staring at his food, "you want some?" He asked moving the plate slightly over. I shook my head no and he continued eating, soon enough I had to take some of the bacon and eat it and before I knew it we were sharing the fry up. I felt much better now I had that but still I had that annoying headache.

Tyler saw me clutch my head in my hands before, he came over and placed two painkillers on the table. I looked up and smiled in thanks before taking the tablets and letting them do their job. Once Tyler had cleaned up his plate, we went into the living room and joined the others. Tyler sitting on the chair and pulling me on top of him, I didn't feel like putting up a fight so stayed where I was. Sarah was the first to look over and gave us a sceptical look, before asking "Ang how you feeling?" I smiled "I'm good what bout you missy?" I said laughing; she smiled back "Okay, not sure I wanna go to parties with you and Hayley again tho." She laughed as Hayley gave her a pout. "Oh come on it was fun wasn't it?" Then Layla spoke up "Well sis as much fun as it was, I don't want to be puking my guts up the next morning again for an hour. Until Jake makes me another fry up that I shouldn't eat." Jake just kissed her neck and she leaned into him. 

I wish that one day; I'll find a guy who's perfect for me, like how Jake is perfect for Layla. I hope that one day a guy with tell me he loves me and that he never wants to lose me. I wish that I can have a relationship like my parents. Well like they had, they both loved each other and never stopped. I know that one day I will find that. I know that I'm going to make my mom proud and make sure that I have a truthful and honest relationship. "Angel, why you crying?" Tyler asked me as a tear escaped my eye, I turned to look at him and saw sadness in his eyes. "Erm... I didn't realise I was, I was just thinking of how my parents had a relationship which I hope to have one day." I whispered as another tear ran down my cheek, Tyler began wiping them away with his thumb then kissed both my cheeks. I felt a slight blush forming on them, "Tyler do you think we should spend the day at the beach?" Sarah and Lewis asked at exactly the same time. "Erm... sure I don't see why we shouldn't." He replied and then whispered to me "I believe that means seeing you in a bikini." I playfully smacked his chest and laughed, I saw his face light up at the sight of my sadness being forgotten. 

"Let's take two cars, boys in one n girls in the other." I said while making my way to the stairs, "Oh and boys I'm sure there are some trunks in my brothers room that shall fit you." I said before entering my room. Seconds later me and the girls were in our bikinis and pulling on some summer beach dresses while the boys were waiting downstairs. We slowly made our way downstairs and into the cars before speeding away towards the beach. Once there we put our towels down on the sand before stripping down to our bikinis and racing each other towards the sea with the boys trailing behind.

After about half an hour of playing around in the sea, we all collapsed onto our towels letting the sun dry us off. "So Angel are we gonna go to your beach house this year?" Lewis asked and I nodded, then realising he couldn't see I replied in words "Yeah, I was thinking we go in a few days if you want."
I loved my beach house; it was huge like a normal house only when you opened the back doors you were met by the sound of the sea and the golden sand. It was calm and relaxing whenever we would go there and it had become a tradition for us all to go during the summer every year. "Well that's great for us all." They said in unison except Tyler who just looked around, "Tyler, you can come this year as well. You did come last year." I said and he smile before pulling me into a bear hug, I laughed at his childish behaviour. 

"I'm starving." I faintly hear the words through my music, before someone rudely stole one of my ear phones and kissed my neck. I looked next to me to see Tyler smiling at me and then repeating "I'm starving." I just rolled my eyes before getting up to see everyone ready to get some food. I quickly pulled on my dress and grabbing my bag, I was about to pick up the towel when Tyler grabbed it along with my hand and began to pull me towards the cars. I laughed at him causing him to stop and for me to bash right into his back and once again land on my butt. "TYLER!" I yelled as I got up and rubbed my sore butt, he turned round looking innocent "want me to help?" He asked with a smug grin, I glared at him and jumped into Sarah's car with Hayley and Tyler, while Jake and Layla hopped into Lewis's car.

After we had eaten we all sat in the living room to watch a movie. I started getting tired so decided to lean on Tyler, who was sat next to me on the floor. He placed his arm around my waist and leaned on the side of the chair. I must have fallen asleep because I heard muffled voices saying "OMG they're soo cute." And "take a picture, quick" I felt Tyler move and then myself fall, I heard him grunt as my head hit his chest. Puling my eyes open I find myself sprawled across Tyler, who had his arms around me and was lying on the floor. I wasn't the only one who fell asleep. 

"Angel?" I heard Drew say as he walked into the living room; it took a moment for the news to process. OMG Drew is home. I literally shot up and jumped into his open arms, " So you missed me." He said laughing as he ruffled my hair and smiled "Missed you. You haven't been home in months." I replied pouting as he looked around at everyone, "are you and Tyler dating?" He asked causing my mouth to drop and silence to fill the room. "No, why would you think that?" I finally spoke; I looked over at Tyler who looked like he'd seen a ghost. "Oh the fact that you two seemed pretty cosy laying on each other a minute ago." He replied with a smile before walking towards Tyler and pulling him up and whispering something that made his mouth close and then give my brother a hug. Oh no, they aren't friends now, are they?

"Well I believe it has been a long day, so everyone shall sleep now and catch up tomorrow." Drew spoke just as my dad walked in, "Okay." Everyone said while I just shouted "Daddy" and gave him a hug before running up to my room. Everyone took the same places on the floor as last night only tonight Lewis was on the floor and Tyler needed somewhere to sleep. "Tyler, how about you sleep here." I said pointing to a space; I knew he would be able to sleep well. I also knew he wouldn't refuse to sleep there either. "But isn't that like where you're gonna sleep?" He asked with a worried expression, "yes, dummy but you need to sleep and there isn't any space on my floor so move your butt." I replied laughing.

Drew came to the door and saw the sleeping arrangements, "I hope none of you do anything that you shouldn't." He said with a laugh then smiled at me and said "night sis, night Tyler." He turned off the light then shut the door, "Angel, how come your brother lets you have a guy sleep in your bed without question?" Tyler whispered, "Well Tyler, my brother knows that I'm sensible." I whispered back and then kissed his check before lying down; Tyler wrapped his arms around me and pulling me to his chest. I let his warmth drift me into another peaceful night of sleep.

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