The funeral

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"Angel?" Drew shouted again, I mean seriously how many times are they gonna shout our names. "Tyler!" Sarah shouted for the hundredth time. I opened my eyes to see Ty laid asleep on the floor beside me, I looked to my left and saw the piano, oh we must of fallen asleep. "Tyler." I whispered, while shaking him, he didn't stir at all. I pressed my lips to his for a brief moment to wake him up. It worked because next thing I know I'm flipped and he's deepening the kiss. I let a smile form as I realised what this would look like. I mean we are in the studio making out, "We need to stop." I whispered as we catch our breath back. He nods but doesn't remove his body off of me.

"Angel?" Drew gasped at the same time as Sarah shouts "Tyler!" My face flushed a bright red as I looked back at a smirking Ty. "Hey guys" we both said at the same time causing us to burst out laughing, "OMG you two did it!" Sarah shouted out as everyone else stood silently behind them, before I could say anything Ty's lips collided with mine. I guess this makes it seem like we really did sleep together. Truth is we didn't, I mean we stayed up for hours just talking. Ty really was a good guy and I really do love him. His looks are a total bonus on top of his perfect attitude. I mean he admitted that he isn't as bad as everyone says.

"So the funeral will be tomorrow and then we have to read the will." Drew said. I just nodded. Tyler promised that he will stay another day. Everyone else had gone home earlier. I heard Ty's phone ringing but he was in the shower. See Drew had planned the funeral and told me while Ty showered; turns out dad had most of the funeral pre planned. I decided to answer the phone, "Hello Tyler's phone." I say in a posh accent, "Oh my, he's such a pr*ck." I heard ms slut say back. "I thought he broke up with you b*tch." I say in a bored tone this time, "and, I wanted to give him another chance." She replies, just then Tyler walks out the bathroom. "Who's on the phone?" He asks as he pulls a shirt on, "your ex." I said handing him the phone, instead of him saying anything he just hung up. WOW! Surprise was fulfilling me; I honestly thought he would take her back. I know it's not the best thing to have done, I mean we are kinda together; I mean he still hasn't asked me out.

"Angel, I wanna ask you somethin." Tyler's voice broke my thoughts, "Okay." I replied, oh god is he gonna ditch me, "will you be my girlfriend?" he asks as I almost had a panic attack. I feel the smile forming on my face, "yes" I say as he smiles back.

I found the black dress I wore to mom's funeral and left it on my bed as I did my hair. Last night Tyler went home and now it was the funeral. I left my hair natural and down along with no make-up as I already knew I will cry. I pulled on the black dress just as Ty walked into the room. "You ready? The car is here." Ty spoke as he came to the bed, "yeh, I guess." I replied placing my feet in black heels, we walked downstairs towards the car. "Ready?" Drew asked as I stood at the door, Sarah was beside him. He was holding her hand.

We arrived at the funeral within fifteen minutes, there seemed to be hardly any traffic. When we got out our friends were there with family along with everyone in our family and dad's friends. I felt tears built in my eyes as I took in their sympathetic faces, a warm hand, Ty's hand, held mine as we walked in. Everyone else followed.

The ceremony began and I just sat there crying. I didn't more or anything, I just cried into Tyler's shoulder. His shirt must be soaked on the shoulder area due to all my crying. I listened to his heart beat as he rubbed small soothing circles on my back.

Drew got up for his speech; he had tears in his eyes. He must of gotten about halfway through the speech before he cried. I mean my brother broke down, I would go up but I would continue to fall apart. Instead Sarah went up, I need to remember to thank her after, she helped him for a few seconds, then she continued to read what he had written. I mean she was crying, all our friends were. My dad was an awesome guy, he touched everyone's hearts. "Ty, can you read my speech?" I asked as Sarah finished reading Drew's speech. Tyler nodded, he got up with me and we stood in front of everyone. I could see the happiness in his mom's eyes when she saw me and Tyler together but the sadness about today took over as she remembered the occasion.

She was close with our dad, I mean even though me and Tyler didn't get along she was still close with our dad. I mean everyone was close with our dad. Tyler began the speech that I had written, I mean I wrote it last night. I spent the whole night crying while I wrote this speech. I continued to cry during the whole speech. I'm surprised I haven't passed out yet. I've been crying almost all the time since I found out about dad being dead. Tyler finished and we sat back down, dad then was buried and we went to a pub, one of dad's favourites, where everyone said their condolences.

I locked myself in a toilet for hours. I mean I don't think I could face anymore, "Angel?" Tyler asked from outside the locked cubical door. I stayed silent, I wasn't crying anymore but I was still really upset. Neither of us spoke as minutes passed. I opened the door and pulled him in before locking it again. "So what about some ice-cream first?" he said with a light tone, a smile broke across my lips. I say as he smiles back, "lets get out this toilet." I open the door.

We both left the toilet and when I reached everyone they were all smiling and talking about the fun times we all had. I knew in that moment that things will be okay. My parents are gone but I still have my friends. They're my family now. I know that as long as I have them I will be okay.

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