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Tyler kept calling out for me but I just continued to cry. He soon found me, crumpled up on the studio floor crying. "OMG Angel." He says rushing towards me, he didn't say anything as he pulled my body to his in a warm hug. I was glad he didn't ask any questions because I'm not too sure if I would be able to answer them. Soon enough I found myself telling him everything. I told him about the phone call and what happened with my phone, seeing as it is laying on the floor in pieces. The whole time he stayed silent just rubbing soothing circles on my back. I looked up into his eyes as he finally spoke, we have been sitting in silence for a few minutes, since I told him what happened, "Angel I will go with you. I promise I won't leave you." He spoke with sincerity written in his eyes as well as love. I nodded my head not trusting my voice just yet as I stood up with him.

It was a ten minute drive to the station, which we were both silent for. It wasn't awkward at all, I laid my head on his shoulder as he drove us there. I guess neither of us really knew what to say. Tyler wasn't allowed in the questioning room so promised to wait in the lobby for me. I honestly felt scared, I mean it was as though I'd committed the crime. I know that absurd as I wasn't even near the house when he died but it sure felt like I was in the wrong. The policeman took me to a small questioning room, where he questioned me on everything. I mean it every little detail that would be absolutely irrelevant seemed to be important now.

It took half an hour, I mean seriously, I have spent half an hour being quizzed about my life and my father's before they said that was all. I was walking back to the lobby expecting Tyler to have left. I mean he wouldn't have waited in the lobby on shitty chair for half an hour, thirty minutes. But to my surprise there he was laying on the floor. Yes Tyler was sprawled out across the lobby floor snoring lightly, I giggled to myself. I mean a normal person would've just slept on the chair but not Ty. I felt my heart swell because he waited for me.

He actually waited, I laughed as I saw another officer come to help his college wake up Ty. They don't know that Tyler is nearly impossible to wake up. I mean seriously impossible. He didn't ever stir once as they continued to tug at his arms and legs. This time, I couldn't help but laugh. Trust me when I say if you were me right now you'd be on the floor in tear from laughing. He does look innocent laying there on the crappy floor. The officer however didn't see the humour in the situation and gave me a disapproving look.

However his face changed when my laughter woke Tyler. Yup he woke up because of me. In your face officers. He smiled at me as he pushed his stiff body up off the floor. He didn't say hi before his lips crashed to mine. I'm not complaining though, I mean I think I just needed to know he was there for me all this time. I knew now that he was there for me. He wouldn't leave me, his promise was not one he was planning to break. For which I'm glad.

As we drove back he didn't ask what happened in the questioning room, I think he knows I'll tell him when I'm ready. "I'm starving, can we pick up Chinese?" Tyler asked with a smirk already knowing my answer, I opened my mouth to speak but he beat me to it, "I know, only if I buy you noodles, it's a done deal babe." He says pulling up to the Chinese takeout. We didn't even need to wait he just picked up the food and paid. "You already ordered it didn't you." I say laughing as he nods handing me the food. I laid my head on his shoulder as we finished driving back.

I thought back to the questions that they asked. It didn't seem like they thought the case as a murder, I think they just wanted to know what the cause of his death was. They were very interested in medical records. I went in there thinking that they thought dad's death was a murder, but they just wanted help understanding what could of caused his death. I'm not to sure of his health when I went away but he seemed perfectly fine when I left. I mean he looked okay. "Angel?" Tyler asked bring me out of my thoughts, we were back at my place and Tyler was at my door waiting for me to get out the car. I did and we went inside. Everyone was there, they all looked at me as I looked at Tyler. He pulled out the fortune cookies handing me one. I looked at him as he stood their looking nervous. "Tyler what's wrong?" I ask knowing he isn't usually nervous. He shook his head and "Angel I love you. I won't leave you and I don't want you to ever feel alone. Not now not ever." I smiled as he continued, I swear I was about to cry. "You stole my heart this summer, but you always had my care since kindergarden when you first told me to butt out of your games with Sarah." We all laughed at this remembering the moment, "Angel I want to be in your life always. I don't want to lose you I want you to be mine forever. I love you Angel this is a promise ring and hopefully one day i can make it an engagement ring, will you accept my promise to love you forever." I opened the fortune cookie to see a ring. "Omg" I whisper as the promise ring lays in my hand I nod my head and don't even let him finish his sentence as I bring my lips to his. He smiles knowing the answer was yes.

Tyler stole my heart this summer and I stole his. He told me that he liked someone but never in a million years would I thought that it could be me. He takes my breath away every day I wake up. He keeps me strong and I keep him sane. I know that today will be the first day of my future without my dad but with my friends, my new family. "I called your dad last week asking for his permission Ang. He said it would make him happy." Tyler said as he placed the ring on my finger, "My dad gave you permission." I say the surprise clear in my voice but the tears evident in my eyes. He nods as he bring me into a long hug as our friends join us with a big bundle hug.

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