Leap of faith

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I spent the rest of the evening watching movies with Ty. I changed into one of his shirts, before we started our movie marathon. We soon fell into a deep peaceful sleep. I woke up to the sound of whispered voices and snoring. I kept my eyes shut as I tried to listen to the conversation but failed. Tyler rolled over pulling me on top of him so I was almost fully on him.

My thoughts were cut short as ice cold water hit my back. Tyler rolled over again and this time fell to the floor with an earned thump, I fell with him. His eyes shot open and I almost screamed as he looked straight at me with an angry look. "I'm gonna kill you!" He shouted, as I realised he wasn't looking at me but behind me. I turned my head to see Lewis and Jake holding an empty bucket. "You're dead!" I shouted back as me and Tyler got up and ran after the two of them. We caught up with them in the kitchen where everyone happened to be.

"So you two together?" Layla asked as she took in the stance between me and Tyler and me being in his shirt. I looked at Ty, before I could speak Tyler did "well, we made up after an nonexistent argument." He said looking at me, I nodded in agreement. I looked round the room and spotted Cameron, just as I was about to walk over, Tyler pulled me against him. After we both got our breakfast we sat at the breakfast bar. I ended up being next to Cam and Tyler next to Hayley.

Turning towards Cam I smiled at him, "Angel you okay?" Cam asked as I took a bite of my bacon roll. I swallowed my food before facing him again, "I'm fine why would you care?" I questioned he looked baffled for a minute before opening his mouth to answer but, before he could even say a thing, I slapped him. "I'm sorry but I'm eating in my room." I stated getting up and leaving with my plate.

I sat on the bed and turned on the TV to end up watching some crappy TV show. Seconds later, Tyler walked in and sat next to me, "I thought you was going to your room?" he asked, I looked around and realised I was in his room. CRAP! "Oh right, yeh, sorry." I sprouted, getting up, "I didn't mean for you to leave, I just couldn't believe you came to my room." He stated grabbing my hands.

I sat back on his bed and snuggled closer to his side. It was as though we were perfect for each other. Like a lock and key as my bio teacher always said. Ty moved his arm so it wrapped around me pulling me even closer. Neither of us spoke, we just stayed like that for some time.

"Ty, man hurry up and where is Angel?" Lewis shouted from outside the door. "Crap. I need to shower." I whispered to Ty, who just pointed at his bathroom and replied "then shower." I quietly got up and walked into his bathroom, which was surprisingly clean for a teenage boy. Turning the water to the perfect temperature, I stripped and got in. I left my hair dry and just used his shower gel to wash my body. When I finished I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body and opened the door.

"So who's in the shower?" Lewis asked sceptically as he pointed to the bathroom door but didn't turn around. Thank god, as I stood in the door he was pointing at. Just then my phone rang and Lewis turned around in record speed. Busted! Oh no what's he gonna think. I let my thoughts fly as I stood, looking like a deer caught in headlights, in only a towel. "So kind of you to appear when needed." Lewis said as he walked out the room with a slight smirk. Instead of worrying I went to my room and got dressed.

As soon as I went downstairs I saw everyone getting their bags and heading to the cars. OH my! I forgot today was the day we planned to go abseiling. I quickly grabbed my bag and jumped in the car with the girls. "Hey Angel, heard bout the shower incident." Sarah said laughing, "yeh... I went to the wrong bedroom." I said and laughed along. It was nice to have a day with everyone off the beach.

It wasn't long till we reached the abseiling site. I couldn't stop the fear from building up inside me. I've always had a fear of heights and I guess I'm completely mad for choosing to go abseiling. "Ang you getting out?" Layla asked making me jump. "Yeh... sorry, I was erm... spaced out." I answered getting out the car with shaky legs.

We got our safety equipment and found the guys, "Hey girls." Cam said as we approached them, "Angel you sure you wanna do this." Tyler asked quietly in my ear as he took in my face. "Yeh... I just needa do it." I said mustering up all my confidence and taking a deep breath. "How bout we go second?" Ty said taking my hand and rubbing small soothing circles with his thumb.

Sarah and Jake went first and then all too soon Tyler and me were being called. Tyler began walking forwards, pulling me along with him. "Okay, you're ready to go." The instructor said. Oh no! We had to jump off backwards. What if we died? Omdz I'm too freaking young to die. Just don't look down, I chanted yet I'm stupid enough to look down. "Just take a deep breath and take a leap of faith." Tyler spoke in a soothing voice before he gently placed his lips on mine.

"One... Two... Three..." Tyler spoke, on three we both jumped backwards. Before I knew it we reached the bottom, "I'm alive!" I screamed jumping onto Ty. "Ang calm down, before we fall over..." Ty said wrapping his arms round my waist; I planted my lips on his as we fell to the floor with me on top. It took him less than a second to respond. We kissed until we both needed air. I'd taken a giant leap of faith, not only with abseiling but with Tyler. I had just shown him my emotions; I'd shown him my vulnerable side. I really don't want him to hurt me. I don't want to be another girl he sleeps with. 

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