Good from the Bad

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 It was almost the end of summer. I was feeling sad, I mean this summer has been the best. Me and Tyler got together, no to any of our friends surprise. The whole group was closer than we have ever really been. Nothing can ruin the rest of the holiday we have left. I mean we're heading back tomorrow but hey today is going to be awesome because it's our last night. "Ang come on. It's really important that you get your butt down here now!" Sarah shouted from the bottom of the stairs, I don't actually know what's going on. I mean I woke up with an empty bed except the note that Tyler had left; yeah he's been staying in my room for the past two weeks. Once I actually reached the living room where everyone was I stopped. I mean it looked as though someone had died, which is crazy. Tyler and Cameron were not even in the room, on shit! Its Tyler isn't it, I couldn't bring myself to speak but my mind continued with the crazy scenarios. I mean maybe Cameron was in an accident? Tyler is fine, I can just tell and Cameron isn't really stupid enough to get himself hurt. Plus Hayley wouldn't be here if Cam was hurt. I'm okay with Cam and Hayley dating, I mean they're my friends and what I want most is for them to be happy. However I have told Cam that if he hurts Hails; which is unlikely; that I will never talk to him and banish him from our group. I mean the guy is transferring to our school for her, they must really love each other.

"What's going on?" I finally ask when the silence gets too much. No one says anything but Layla pulls me into a hug, "Drew?" I ask getting scared, as he looks terrible. His hair is all over the place and his face is pale, he also has bloodshot eyes like he's been crying. I mean Drew hardly ever cried. "Angel, I'm sorry. It..t's daaad." He stutters, my heart drops as he starts to answer my question. All of a sudden I feel sick, "he died last night...." The second the words left his mouth tears exposed themselves and I felt dizzy. Drew continued to explain that dad was home when he died, but I couldn't really hear what he was saying. It's like in a movie when someone hears bad news and everything disappears, I know it's crazy but I feel like my world has been broken.

My dad died alone, it was peaceful but he was in our house all alone. Oh god the house belongs to Drew and me now. More tears flooded my cheeks as warm arms pulled me into a hug. I knew who it was before he spoke, I needed him now more than ever. I lost my only parent that I had left. "It's okay babe." Ty whispered into my hair as he ran his hand up and down my back. "Thank you." I say to him as I look up into his eyes, they're filled with tears, but he smiles back at me. "I love you." He says back as I feel myself smile, "I love you too. I don't think I can be alone." I whispered back as I leaned in to him, "shh, you will be okay." He whispered as I continued to cry into his chest. My dad is dead. He's gone, my mom is gone. I have my friends and my brother as my only family now. I miss my dad, I just wish I could've said goodbye. I mean I never actually spoke to him once during the last two weeks, I don't understand why he had to die. I wish this would just be a nightmare and I'd wake up to a happy day and not be living my worst nightmare.

I guess I must of fallen asleep or something because when I woke I was on the couch with Tyler. I really do love him, I mean he's been so sweet recently. I got up to stretch my sore muscles, "we need to go home." I said while I thought about what I was told moments ago. Tyler nodded his head in agreement, "You okay?" He asked getting up as well, this time I nodded in agreement. I placed a small smile on my face as we went to find the others, I grabbed a bottle of water from the kitchen on the way. They were outside packing the cars, I guess they already knew that we were going to leave a day early. "You ready to leave?" Drew asked as we joined them besides the three cars, "I'm better. You?" I asked as I looked over him, he still looked tired but he sure did look a little bit better. "Same. You ready to go home?" He asked as I hugged him, I knew that he would never admit it but he was hurting to. He was always the strongest out of us, I mean when mom died he was the rock for me and dad and now he has to go through this again. Drew asked everyone to pile into the cars, I followed Tyler into the car as Sarah joined my brother in his car. I'm really happy that Drew has her right now, I mean I know that their relationship is a little unknown at the moment but I truly am glad that he has someone to lean on, even if he hates to admit it.

We arrived home and there was about a hundred calls from family giving their thoughts and saying what a tragedy it is. I couldn't listen to them all so Drew did that for me. The whole group decided to stay the night at our house, and I can't say how depressing the house felt without dad. I mean he made the house more lived in, it was a huge house and with dad being here it didn't feel so big but now it felt massive. "You want dinner?" Lewis asked as he came out from the kitchen with plates of food, I shook my head while everyone nodded. I couldn't bring myself to eat, I mean I guess I was hungry because I hadn't really eaten all day but I just couldn't eat. "You want a french fry?" Tyler asked as I continued to stare at his plate of fries. Instead of answering I picked up a fry and ate it, I gotta say they were amazing, Ty smiled at me while I continued to eat more of his fries, gradually I had eaten almost half of his fries before I let him have any. "You okay?" he asked as everyone went to change for bed, we were sitting on the sofa in the living room. "Yeh, I mean I think I might just be okay." I said smiling for the first time today, Tyler was smiling back at me.
"You are so strong." He said breaking the silence, I couldn't help but blush at this. His hand brushed back some of my hair so that my face was in the palm of his hand as he leaned in and kissed me gently. It felt magical, I mean my stomach had a million butterflies and I couldn't stop the smiles from showing. "You two done?" Drew asked from the bottom of the stairs, I felt myself turning a bright red while Ty went a light shade of pink. "OMG! You're blushing!" I shouted in shock. I mean girls blushing is common but, seeing Tyler blush is a miracle, "Shh... Please no one needs to know." He says going even pinker, I couldn't help but laugh. I mean he looks so cute. "Well, I'm just gonna leave you two to it." Drew stated as he walked back to his room where Sarah is, no guess.

"I wanna show you something." I said getting up and walking to the room where the recording studio is. I mean we've never used it but we have a piano and guitars in there along with the traditional recording equipment. A secret that no one knew about mom was that she used to be good at singing, dad me and Drew were the only ones who know about this room. I never really told anyone but I can play both the piano and guitar but I'm not exactly good at it. "Where are we going?" Ty asked as we reached the door, I turned round to face him, "promise you won't tell." I said as I placed my hand on the door handle. "I promise." He said placing a kiss on my shoulder. Taking a deep breath I opened the door and we walked in, "wow!" Tyler said as I shut the door, I continued to walk to the piano where I sat down. "You play?" He asked as I looked around the room, I saw where the table was where I kept all my songs. "Ang?" Tyler asked taking my hand, "Sorry, yeh I can play. This room was my moms, I mean she never really got round to showing me how to play but I guess I inherited her genes. She was amazing at performing, but she cut her career short when she met dad. I mean she gave up fame for us and she never got to spend much time with us." I said as a tear rolled down my cheek, "You're just like her. She would be so proud of you." Tyler said as I hugged him.

"I hope I can hear you play one day." He whispers into my hair, I got up and grabbed a guitar. I sat on a stool and began to sing the only song my mom had sung to me, I felt happy. I mean the song meant so much to me and it wasn't even her song. I mean year she wrote her own music but she sang me a cover of I won't give up and I loved it. I sang the song while playing the guitar for the tune. I've always known that my mom will be better than me but I enjoyed playing. When I finished the song I saw Tyler staring at me, there was something different. It was a different emotion that was in his eyes, "Angel, that was wonderful. You are magical." He said as I walked over to him, he kissed my pink cheeks. "Thanks. No one has ever heard me sing. I promised my dad I would sing to him at his funeral, but I've always wanted him to hear me sing before he died." I admit as reality sunk in, my dad would never be here for my wedding, he won't be able to see his grandchildren. He died too early, it was so unfair.

"Angel, I know I've told you that I love you and I do. Well I don't," my face fell and so did my heart, "I don't love you because Angel, I'm in love with you." He finished and his eyes held the emotion I saw when I had finished singing. He was in love with me, like properly love love. WOW! "I never thought you would care about me? I mean I thought you would always view me as your sister's best friend. I'm in love with you too." I said as he kissed me. It was then that I knew no matter how bad things get something good can always happen. Tyler was in love with me, I had just performed a song to him and I was in love. I had lost my dad but I had Tyler to help me along with all my friends not forgetting my big brother.

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