My disappearance

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Hello, hi. Remember me? That one author who's super shitty at updating and says she will but doesn't? I'm going to be bluntly honest. I needed that hiatus. There was so much going in my life and though a few moments of it was good, most of it wasn't. My mental health was deteriorating, I had no motivation for anything, I was in deep disassociation that the concept of time made no sense and I felt like I wasn't in control of anything. It was the lowest I've been and I couldn't seem to handle any stress and I was having multiple panic attacks a week. And right when stuff seemed to be getting better for me some other event occurred that put me in that dark spot for awhile again. On top of all that, when I went to post the new story I don't know how but all my Google files were deleted. Like I have absolutely no idea how and I've tried everything to get it back bc I was 50 chapters in and all my other works were gone as well was so demotivating that I low key gave up on writing.
But, here's this thing, little me loved writing. She loved to read, write, and draw. And I left all of those things and caved into the daily stressors and my negative thoughts of "what's the point, I'm not even good at them" but so what? I write because I want to, because I enjoy it, for myself. Being able to have characters go through some situation or feel some emotions that I've felt then letting them get their resolve helped me resolve those feelings. So I needed this hiatus to heal and realize a lot of things. I'm not going to quit writing and I'm going to continue simply to heal that inner child who loves to write. Yes I will be taking another "break" but simply to rewrite the story i had planned in a better way. I'm sorry I just disappeared like that without saying anything especially when I said I'd update in a week or something; but I'm not sorry for prioritizing my mental health and guys it's something no one should be sorry about. You guys (if you still want to stay) are probably going to notice changes in me and the way I speak but that's because I'm working on myself, my behavior, my mental health, my boundaries, etc.
Healing requires change, I can't heal if I'm still carrying my past misery and pain with me all along. There's no way I can move forward if I keep looking back. Yes my past wasn't pretty, it was hell but it's the past. I've changed and no one can hold me accountable for my past except me so why worry? Why stress about it if only my opinion should matter to myself? And I'm not perfect, I've made mistakes too but I recognize I've made them and I need to work on them instead of holding such negative emotions that are weighing me down because it's stopping me from doing the things I love.
Anyways, that's all guys. I hope you understand ❤️

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