L- eave

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The next day at the orphanage was normal for everyone except Lola. They had to do exercises in the hall, but the Administrator of the orphanage wanted to make things fun for the kids by inviting a Taekwondo instructor to teach the kids self-defense.

After their session, all the kids left the hall with smiles on their faces except Lola, who remained in the hall, staring at the instructor. When the instructor noticed her, he inquired as to why she was still there. Lola directly told the man "I want to learn more"

The man knelt next to her and asked why she wanted to learn more. 

"I want to be as strong as you sir, I want to learn from you. " Lola tried to give an acceptable answer as to why she wanted to learn the sport

The instructor looked down before getting up "Taekwondo isn't just about being strong, dear," he was about to leave but Lola held his pants.

"I don't know sir, but i feel connected to my family through this," tears weld up her eyes as she began to cry "i want to continue having this feeling... it makes me feel calm and normal," she went on her knees "please teach me" when she finished speaking the instructor told her to stand up and compose herself and before he left he said

"This is your first lesson"

┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ °

Lola woke up early for some reason and got herself ready for the day. She went to the lounge where the news was showcased on the TV. She was about to change it but something caught her eye. The news was talking about a wanted kidnapper who kidnapped many kids for human trafficking. They caught him on a CCTV camera, he was putting something into his car while looking back. That was not only what had Lola's attention, Lola saw something familiar next to the man's car, she moved closer to the TV to have a better look and to her utter shock, it was a customized hair band her mom made for both Lola and Mona. Lola was so shocked, she made a loud sound waking some people up, including the headmistress.

The headmistress walked into the lounge and saw a crying Lola on the floor. She asked Lola what the problem was but Lola didn't speak. The headmistress understood that Lola just lost her family and thought that she was having PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). She told someone to take Lola inside the room since she wouldn't talk.

Lola got a call from the office and went to see what it was about while hoping no one was going to adopt her.

To her relief it wasn't anyone looking for a child to adopt, it was the taekwondo instructor, she was suprised that he actually came back .

Apparently the instructor told the head of tne orphanage Lola's request and she happily agreed with it.

The intructor and Lola went into the hall and started with basic thing like learning each other's name, rules and respects.

"Ok, you can call me Mr. Lee, what is your name"

Lola stared at Mr. Lee directly into his eyes with a bland expression "My name is Lola".

"Well Lola, it is not good to look at an elder directly in their eyes," Mr. Lee stated feeling disrespected "but it's ok, while i understand you might have it differently in your culture, you will have to keep that rule in my class..." he stopped for a moment "...do not look directly into my eyes"

With that being said, Mr. Lee officially started with his lessons, starting with warm-ups, then teaching Lola basic beginner level moves.

Lola felt like she could forget her worries when she was busy like this.

After the lesson, Mr. Lee did not forgdt to tell her a few things.

"Before i leave, take to note that you should always practice, i will test you on what we learnt tomorrow." Mr. Lee said the first thing he wanted to tell her.

"Secondly, if the hall is in use, we will use the backyard and i will be here on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. That is all, see you tomorrow."

After Mr. Lee left Lola went into her room to check for something in her luggage. She was looking for her family picture she always had. Luckily it was still there, she looked at it and drops of tears fell from her eyes, she wanted to tell her family everything but she couldn't. Lola kept the picture under her pillow before anyone came into the room.

Lola the went back down to eat at the cafeteria since she belived that was everyone were, and she was right.

After her meal, she went to the backyard to practice what Mr. Lee had taught her until her food had digested then she had to her homework from her teacher.


It was finally night which was Lola's favourite time of the day, it was when she could see the stars and speak to her parents. Lola told her parents everything that happened and asked God to guide her and continued talking to her parents like they were there until she fell asleep.

.·:*¨ ✘Hey Readers✘ ¨*:·.

➳ Firstly, i know i disappeared, but the truth is that i was busy and not motivated enough. Exams also came around and i was completely stressed and even fell sick. There was a lot of procrastinating too, but either way, i am sorry 😉

➳I know the sorry might seem boring now but don't worry and stick around to see what's coming. I would also love it if you all could help me improve my writing if you find any flaw.

'*•.¸♡ Series recommendation ♡¸.•*'

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