The old new

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It was around 4 pm. Lola and Sunghoon were at opposite sides of a table in Sunghoon's house. Sunghoon had a map on the table and showed Lola the area in which the girls were kept.
"It's really far, but if that's going to finally take me to my sister, then it's nothing much" Lola looked up from the map and asked Sunghoon "So when are we leaving?"

"Soon, but we need a plan. Tomorrow we will be introduced to our coaches and begin our practice at school, which means we will end school much later than usual, so the only time we have left is on Saturday and Sunday afternoon." Sunghoon stated.

'Interesting, he can actually be smart spoke' Lola said to herself.
"We'll check the area on Saturday" She said picking up her phone from the table as she had to be at home before 5pm.
"Alright..." Sunghoon said and paused as he watched Lola leaving, but before she left he stopped her. "Wait... uhm, i just wanted to say thank you... thank you for taking me there today, i finally feel free after a long time so, thank you so much. I wouldn't have gone there or even know that he was there without you bringing me to light."

Lola was touched and felt a sense of usefulness, but with a straight face, all she said was "Don't mention it" before heading home.


In a midst of a bustling classroom the homeroom teacher, Miss Lim walked in without the students noticing, but as soon as she clear her throat they all ran to their designated desks.

"Good morning class. I hope we are all here because remember, you guys will begin your practice today. Okay, let me take attendence."

After attendance, before Miss. Lim left the classroom a student who sat in front noticed something.

"OooOoo Miss. Lim, is that a ring on your finger?"

The whole class started to talk, some even coming closer to take a look.

"Ma'am are you getting married?" Someone yelled

"All of you Shhh!!" Miss. Lim shushed them.

"This..." she lifted up her hand where the ring was " none of your business" she stated then left the room while the kids roared.

"Ma'am let me be a bridesmaid"

"Who's the lucky man?"

Sunghoon smiled "I'm so happy, she's finally getting married" he then turned to Lola who looked completely unbothered looking out the window

"Hello!?" Sunghoon slammed the table causing Lola to glare af him.

That was enough to make him put his arm down in fear. He wasn't really scared of Lola, because she gave him no reason to fear her, but he just felt like she wasn't someone to start a problem with.

Time passed and it was recess. Lola went to her dad to help him out while Sunghoon went to the field to hang out with his friends. Lola was done helping out her dad and since recess wasn't over yet, she went to buy a chocolate milkshake to drink and sat down on the bench in the field, watching the students play soccer.

Lola caught glimpse of the person Sunghoon once mentioned. His name was Riki. In the hallways of the bustling school, Riki, with his magnetic charm and radiant smile, effortlessly commands a vibrant aura that draws students like moths to a flame, making him the undeniable heartthrob and the center of adoration among his peers.

Recess was over and everyone was heading back to their classes. Lola got down too and was met by Sunghoon "You came to watch our game!"

"I guess boredom took over" Lola replied to Sunghoon.

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