The time pt. 2

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Just as they finished discussing their plan, both Sunghoon and Jin ah dispersed into their positions, hiding from sight. Lola -as planned was all by herself swinging on the cold seat of the swing pretending to wait for someone, and as if their plan was directed Lola's increasing fear spiked as she felt a pair of hands on her shoulder. 

She turned to see two tall men grinning behind her. All that went through her head was if these men were the people they were looking for.

In a matter of seconds, Lola was covered with a bag and forcibly swooped by these men and abrubtly taken to building. They carried her and continuously pushed her through the building. They walked down the hallway and the deeper they got the louder it became. Lola could here all sort of noises. The screams and cries were the loudest. As time passed by, her blood boiled out of anger.

Soon enough, one of the men removed the bag over her head and she got a chance to survey the area. It was a grim looking environment and weathering walls, the place was dim and she could hardly see what was before her. 

 Just as they finished discussing their plan, both Sunghoon and Jin-ah quickly dispersed into their respective positions, hiding from sight. Lola, as planned, was left alone, sitting on the cold metal seat of the swing, pretending to wait for someone. She tried her best to appear calm, but her heart raced with anticipation.

As she swung back and forth, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease creeping up her spine. The darkness seemed to close in around her, and the silence was only broken by the distant sounds of crickets chirping and leaves rustling in the wind. Suddenly, she felt a pair of strong hands grasp her shoulders, making her jump in surprise.

Lola turned to see two towering men grinning at her, their faces shadowy figures in the moonlight. Her mind raced as she wondered if these men were the ones they were looking for. Were they the kidnappers? Had they been caught?

Without warning, Lola was roughly grabbed and dragged away, a black hood thrown over her head. She struggled against her captors, but they were too powerful. She was swept off her feet and carried through the night air, unable to see or hear anything except for the sound of footsteps echoing around her.

As soon as the men took Lola, Sunghoon and Jin-ah followed them stealthily until they reached the grim looking building. Jin-ah looked through the area and went behind the building, waiting close to the back door, while Sunghoon stayed in a safe distance away from the building waiting for the right time to phone the police .

The group moved swiftly, pushing Lola forward with urgency. After what felt like eternity, they navigated through winding corridors, the air growing colder and damper with each step. The further they went, the more Lola heard muffled voices, groans, and sobs. A chill ran down her spine as she realized that she wasn't alone in this dark, damp place.

After what felt like an eternity, the hood was finally pulled off Lola's head, revealing a bleak and dismal environment. The room was small, with peeling paint on the walls and a single flickering light bulb overhead. Lola blinked, trying to adjust to the sudden brightness. When her vision cleared, she saw that she was surrounded by rough-looking men, some of whom leered at her with cruel intentions.

One man stepped forward, his face twisted in a sadistic smile. "Welcome, my dear," he sneered. "You're going to be our new plaything."Lola's stomach dropped as she realized the truth – she had fallen straight into the clutches of the notorious gang that they had been looking for. Their plans seemed to have worked.

Lola's anger boiled over as she faced the men, her eyes blazing with determination. With a maniacal smile, she spoke up, her voice steady and confident. "So, you're the scum who engage in human trafficking, exploiting young girls for your twisted desires. Well, let me tell you something - you've messed with the wrong girl this time."

The men laughed, amused by her boldness, but Lola didn't flinch. She lunged at the leader, delivering a powerful kick to his throat. He groaned in agony, clutching his neck, as Lola continued her assault. She punched one man in the stomach, sending him doubling over, and used her leg to trip another to the ground.

Unrelenting, Lola charged at the leader again, determined to put an end to their evil deeds. With a well-placed kick, she sent him crashing to the floor once more. Seizing the opportunity, she made a break for the door. Lola quickly navigated the surroundings of the building, her eyes fixed on the backdoor. She opened it and let Jin-ah in, knowing they could handle the rest themselves. Together, they threw kicks and punches at any man who dared to approach.


Jin-ah and Lola gave each other backup. Together, they fought off the remaining thugs, their kicks and punches flying fast and furious. Lola and Jin-ah were an unknown force to be reckoned with, and soon the men were retreating,  trying to nursing their injuries as the squirmed on the ground weakly.

As the number of attackers dwindled, Lola instructed Jin-ah to take care of the remaining few while she freed the girls from the building. She ran up to the unconscious leader and snatched the keys to the rooms from his pocket. Frantic, she tried every key until she found the right one, and then she flung open the doors, freeing the sobbing and shell-shocked girls.

Lola was still frantic as her thoughts raced "why can't I find her... why can't I find Mona??"

(っ°◔° ¤ °◔)っ ♥ Hold up ♥
What happens next?

M̳o̳v̳i̳e/ Series ̳r̳e̳c̳o̳m̳m̳e̳n̳d̳a̳t̳i̳o̳n̳
- ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛ Strong girl Nam Soo❜┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌

What do you all think of this part, I need your opinion. 🤔

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