
20 2 1

Lola and Sunghoon found themselves in the living room, an atmosphere of hushed tension enveloping the small space. Sunghoon's mother lay sound asleep in her room, unaware of the covert activity unfolding just beyond her closed door.

With a careful and almost conspiratorial air, Lola extended her arm, presenting a black plastic bag to Sunghoon. As he cautiously unzipped it, his eyes widened with intrigue as he unveiled the contents: a meticulously arranged construction worker's uniform, complete with a hard hat and work boots.

Sunghoon couldn't contain his curiosity. "Where in the world did you manage to get this?" he inquired, his voice barely louder than a whisper, as though any sudden noise might wake his slumbering mother.

Lola, maintaining her composure and the air of secrecy that surrounded their mission, met Sunghoon's gaze with a knowing expression. She leaned in closer, her lips almost brushing his ear, and replied, "Let's just say I have my ways."

With a subtle nod of acknowledgement, they shared a silent understanding. Lola retrieved the matching uniform she had brought for herself, laying it out alongside Sunghoon's on a nearby table. Together, they knew that these uniforms were more than just attire; they were the key to a mission that demanded the utmost discretion and resolve.

》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ * 。° 。 • ˚《

There they were, in front of a run-down abandoned building, perfect for keeping hostage...right?

They walked into this building and In the dimly lit, run-down building, Lola and Sunghoon stood together for a moment, their expressions tense and determined. They knew they had to split up to cover more ground and locate any potential hostages. Without a word, they communicated through gestures, outlining their plan.

Lola pointed to herself and then towards the left corridor, her finger tracing an invisible path in the air. Sunghoon nodded in acknowledgment and pointed towards the right corridor, indicating his own route. They made eye contact and placed their index fingers over their lips, reminding each other to stay quiet.

With a final nod of reassurance, they parted ways, each disappearing into the shadowy depths of the building. Lola moved stealthily down her designated corridor, her footsteps as soft as a whisper. The only sounds were the creaking of the old wooden floorboards beneath her feet and the distant, eerie echoes of the building itself.

Sunghoon, on the other hand, made his way down the right corridor, his senses heightened. He strained his ears to listen for any signs of distress or movement. Every crack in the walls, every rustle of debris, was scrutinized as he moved forward.

As they continued their search, they relied on their unspoken bond, knowing that their safety and the safety of any potential hostages depended on their quiet and coordinated efforts. Each step they took brought them closer to uncovering the truth hidden within the deteriorated building.

Moments pass and, they end up meeting themselves to face the utter disappointment that there was no one in the entire building. They were evidently confused and didn't utter a word. Lola stood in place and Sunghoon silently worried over her. This silence was eventually broken when an elderly man spoke behind Sunghoon.

The old man's piercing eyes bore into Lola and Sunghoon, his curiosity evident in the furrowed lines on his weathered forehead.

"Who are you, and what are you doing?" he curiously queried the two.

Lola's senses awakened, and she held in all the emotions that were spiraling within her. Her instincts as a seasoned operative told her that they needed to tread carefully.

"Was there anybody in this place," she asked cautiously, her voice low and steady, "Did anyone live here or constantly come here?"

Sunghoon, always quick to follow her lead, chimed in, "We came here for them."

The old man's eyes flickered with uncertainty as he looked between the two intruders and the decaying surroundings.

"A few men wanted to buy this place," he finally admitted, his voice tinged with sadness, "They used it for a few weeks before leaving. They didn't even sell it."

Lola and Sunghoon exchanged a significant glance, realizing that the hostages they had been searching for might not be there.

"But," the old man continued, his voice taking on a thoughtful tone, "you know what, they asked for another building far away in a deserted place."

As soon as those words left the old man's lips, Lola hurriedly rushed toward him, her urgency palpable.

"Do you know where this place is?" she implored, her eyes locking onto his.

The old man hesitated for a moment, considering their request.

"Well, of course, I owned the place," he finally conceded, "Well now, they bought it. But why are you kids looking for them?"

Sunghoon, always quick on his feet, came up with an excuse that would allow them to gain access to the men.

"Sir," he began, his tone earnest, "the thing is that they hired us to renovate this place, but since they moved, I think they meant that building."

Catching onto Sunghoon's narrative, Lola followed suit, her eyes wide with feigned concern.

"We need the address to the place," she added, her voice carrying a hint of desperation.

The old man, sensing their genuine need, finally agreed and provided them with the location of the building, which was nestled in a deserted area far from the abandoned factory.

After the man left, Lola and Sunghoon exchanged disappointed glances. It seemed their search for the hostages had taken an unexpected turn, leading them to a new location. They knew that the real challenge lay ahead as they prepared to uncover the secrets hidden within that distant, desolate building.

(っ°◔° ¤ °◔)っ ♥ Hold up ♥
What happens next?

M̳o̳v̳i̳e/ Series ̳r̳e̳c̳o̳m̳m̳e̳n̳d̳a̳t̳i̳o̳n̳
- ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛ Sonic 2❜┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌

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