Chapter 37

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Katie and Maverick's bond got incredibly close incredibly fast. She would have regretted never giving him the chance like she originally had planned. When they got back from their mission they were all granted a three week leave as a "reward" for their success. Maverick went back to his bunker/home in New Mexico. Katie and Bradley followed him there.

They wanted to spend time with him before Katie went back to Key West to pack everything up and bring it back to San Diego. Katie requested she stay in San Diego unless she was called for a mission. She was fully content on staying there. It made her happiest. Bradley went wherever she did. He put his house up for sale, and luckily Bob had bought it off him. That was also the thing that kept them there. Everyone made the houses they lived in their permanent residences. They all stuck to their plan of never living apart from their chosen family unless they were stationed somewhere.

After Katie sent her things to her and now Bradley's home, they made their way to his home in Texas. They decided to keep the home in Texas for vacation purposes, the fact the land was owned by his parents, and that they were buried there. They were gonna stay there for a few days before going to New Mexico to spend time with Maverick.

Katie was in Bradley's room packing up his clothes, when she looked out the window to see him standing in the distance. She had a sad look in her eyes, knowing why he was so far out there. She finished packing the box before going out to him.

She came nearer to the small cemetery on their land. She knew essentially all of Bradley's family had been buried together, but not on their land. She reached out and rubbed his back gently. He turned slightly and wrapped his arm around her.

"I was just talking to them. Catching them up on everything." He told her.

"I only thought it was your parents buried here, Brad." She told him.

"This house has been in my family for years. Obviously it's been renovated countless times. But my dad's parents got it from their parents who got it from their parents. It was a wedding gift to him. They built this tiny cemetery, because they all wanted to be together in the end." He explained.

"That's really sweet actually." She said as she rubbed his back.

"Yeah. My mother gave it to me in the will, along with everything else. She said she wanted me to be the one owning it for when I eventually get married and have a family of my own." He smiled at her.

"Are you sure you don't want to come back here?" She asked.

"I want to be where you are, my love. Our life was made in Sand Diego. That place has such a special meaning to us. I want to be where you are, and I know how happy you are on the beach." He chuckled.

"I love you so much." She smiled.

"I love you too. And besides, we can always come here on vacations. If we ever want to get away from everything." He told her.

"I want our baby to know where they came from." She hugged him.

"Oh he's gonna learn how to fly. Just like his dad, his uncle, his grandfather, and his mother." He chuckled and rested his head atop hers.

"He?" She asked.

"Oh the baby. I think it's gonna be a boy." He smiled.

"Lord with the amount of people saying I'm having s boy I might as well think I am." She laughed as she buried her face in his chest.

"Do you think it's gonna be a girl?" He asked.

"I deserve a baby girl. I put up with too many boys. Either way, I'm gonna love him or her either way." She looked up at him and smiled.

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