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                                      Your pov:

I walk beside Dimitri and Miguel, going down the hall. I was tuning out there conversation, all I knew was he was upset about his ass getting kicked. "That... that's hooker talk." I look up at him confused.. what the hell?

"Besides, I don't need to learn karate when I have you two." He says, then he stops, looking over at the stairs. Kyler was staring at me and Miguel, we stared back.

Eventually he walked away, looking sad or nervous. "See? No one's gonna mess with you." I roll my eyes, and elbow Dims arm.

                    ☆¸¸ .•*¨)☆🌹🌺.•'¸.•*'¨)
                 (Time skip)

We walk into science class, I sit down beside Miguel and dim sits beside Eli. (Pretend Eli is in this class.)
Suddenly kids start laughing, I look up to see Sam with a blow pop on her shoulder.

She realizes the blow pop is there and snatches it off. "Thanks for the blow pop, guys. Really never gets old." She says sarcastically, I roll my eyes at the people who were still laughing.

"Hey, everybody. Who let the pigs out? I did, because I ordered the fetal pigs." The teacher smiles, while some kids fake laugh. "but seriously, get in your groups." I look at Miguel and he looks at me smiling.

"Who wants to take Samantha in? This little piggy needs a group. Don't all volunteer at once." I sigh and raise my hand, Miguel looks at me confused.

"We'll take her." Sam looks at the teacher then she grabs her stuff and walks over to our table, pulling up a chair. "Thank you." She smiles at us, while I fidget with my hands.

I haven't talked to Sam in awhile, I hope that she's changed or wants to be my friend again.

                    ☆¸¸ .•*¨)☆🌹🌺.•'¸.•*'¨)
                 (Time skip)

I was watching Miguel poke at the pig, disgusting. "What were you thinking for sex?" I watch Miguel's eyes widen, I kick him under the table. "Uh... Uh... I mean, I've, I've..." before he embarrassed himself more I stopped him.

"I think it might be female, because in the male, this tract opens up near the umbilical cord." She smiles at me and nods. "I was thinking the same thing." She looks back down at the pig, watching Miguel poke around it.

"Yeah, I concur." Miguel stutters, while turn a little red. Then he starts writing something down. "Thanks for, um... helping me out, by the way." She looks over at me.

"Oh yeah. I mean, I'm sure you would've found another group." I said nervously, while fiddling with my fingers. "I meant with the fight. Thank both of you actually." She smiles again and looks at me.

"Oh. Yeah, someone had to take care of those assholes. If not someone then me and Miguel." She nodded. "It was a pretty nice roundhouse."

I look at her confused, how does she know about a roundhouse?...

"Thanks. I'm taking these karate lessons-" Sam cut off Miguel. "but you telegraphed the sweep. When you lift up your foot like that, it shifts your weight your back leg. More windup, less power." Miguel looks at her confused.

"Wow. You know your stuff. I guess I should be taking lessons from you." I feel a little tug on my heart.. not in a good way.

"That was a freebie. Next one, I'm gonna expect money upfront." She says sarcastically, while Miguel nods. "Of course, of course. Let's see." Same reaches in her bag, pulling out a banana.

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