Malls and jealousy?

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This is the new time skip or pov change, I'll have like
(3rd person POV) for example


Btw I'm sorry if you like Sam dw I have plans for y'all later but for now your just gonna have to deal with this for now but don't worry! I have some good plans🤭

Your POV:

Me, Aisha, and Tory were hanging out at the mini mart. Oh I forgot to mention the new girls name is Tory! Me and Tory were walking over to Aisha. "Ugh." "Let me guess. dick pic?" I fake gaged as they both laughed.

"No. My mom wants me to go to the beach club with her." "Oh my god, that sounds so miserable." Tory grabbed a Gatorade bottle from the fridge. "No. It's just... this girl. Sam is probably gonna be there and she and I are not on good terms. Whatever I'm Aisha, by the way"

"Hey, that's a cool bracelet."
"Oh, this? It's not just for show. Some creepy guy at the mall Tried to grab me once, but I managed to block him and give him a gift he won't ever forget."
"Oh. Wow. You seem like you already know how to kick ass pretty well. What do you need cobra Kai for?"

I grab a bag of chips from the shelf.

"I've had a couple of kickboxing lessons, but I've always wanted to smash boards blindfolded or do a flying kick through boards." Tory made a smile on her face and smiled back.

"Oh, you saw that."
"The secret is poking little holes does a blindfolds."

They laughed a little as Tory and me began to walk out with Aisha behind us. "Hey guys. You wouldn't wanna go to the beach with me, would you? It'd be nice to have some back up." Tory looked at me and I nodded, then she smiled and looked back at Aisha.

"Guess I can suffer through a day at the beach. What about you y/n?" She looked at me and I nodded while laughing slightly.


"Ok. This is not the beach. Where are the homeless dudes on rollerblades? And the guy's shoving shitty hip-hop, demos in your face?" Aisha laughed out loud. "No, don't worry they'll come after they pass out the hors d'oeuvres." She laughed a little.

Then we all started talking about random things, back stories and relationships. After awhile we went over to the buffet. I just wanted something to drink, I already had some food. "Hey." Some voice from the left of me called.

It was Sam. She was talking to Aisha, I rolled my eyes and took a drink of my water while she glared at me and all I did was glare back. After some time we all walked over to a table. I made sure to be on the other side of the table I didn't want to start shit at the beach club.

"Hey! Look what I got." Tory came back with a bottle of vodka hidden in her bag, I smirked.

"Where'd you get that?"
"I swiped it from the bar."

Sam gave Aisha a look. I walked over to Tory and she let me look at it again and we high-fived. "Oh, relax. All the adults are getting wasted. No one's gonna notice if we have a little fun." Aisha let out a little laugh with a smile. "You should put that back You'll get into  big trouble." Tory gives her a look and lets out a fake laugh.

"And you are?"
"Oh. Sam, this is Tory. Tory, Sam."

My arms were crossed and Tory gave me a look before smiling again.

"Oh, the Sam." Tory scoffed. "Come on. Like anyone's gonna miss one bottle of vodka. I could swipe half the silverware in this place before anyone would notice." Tory got quieter and looked around. "You shouldn't steal anything." "What are you, a nun?" I let out a snort and Sam glared at me.

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