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Your pov:

Miguel laid his hand on the middle console signaling me to hold onto, so I did. Hawk hopped into the car as we drove off to the festival. My hands were still a little shaking, not as bad tho. "Yo, give me the aux." Hawk put his head up here with us as I handed him the cord.

As soon as his music started I snatched the cord right from him. "Your music taste is fucking ass. Let me show you some real rock." I clicked play on my Spotify playlist don't stop believin' by Journey started playing. Miguel looked at me and I looked at him.

We started singing the lyrics like a duet as I drove off. In my right ear I heard someone else singing as well but it was quiet. A stopped at a red light as the other song ended and eye of the tiger started playing. Everyone in the car had their windows down.

The music was blasting, I felt bad for the people around us but not really at the same time. Everyone was bobbing their heads as I was singing the lyrics.(wish I had someone to do this with ;-;.) Out of the corner of my eye I saw a kid staring at us.

Well Hawk actually, he was making faces at the poor kid.

"And he's watching us all with the eye of the tiger!" The music fades out before starting again with more beats. The light turned green and soon the festival was in view. Miguel turns off the radio and starts making conversation as we pull into the festival.

We all get out and I Locke the car, while the others run off Miguel waits for me. A smile forms on my face as this little jester, giving me small butterflies. "What ride first?" Miguel starts acting like a child and I can't help but act like one either.

First we did all the big rides, so that the smaller ones were last. The roller coasters are what Miguel hated the most. I mean I wouldn't say I didn't like 'em but they are like an adrenaline rush and it's so much fun.

Miguel decided he wanted to play a game where you throw darts at balloons, if you hit three you can pick a prize. "He aims... he shoots... he... he... SCORES!" I cheered excitedly as he gave me a tight hug. Then he proceeded to hit two more balloons. "Alrighty kid pick a prize." The dude running the counter said tiredly as he stared at Miguel.

"Pick one." Miguel put a arm around my shoulder, looking around

The ferris wheel was up next and we ran into a cart by our selfs but before the ride started Miguel talked to the man working the ride. He handed the man some money and he just nodded taking the money.

If I said I want scared I'd be lying, the way the cart moves back and forth makes me think it's gonna fall. (Yk how the wheelers from stranger things in season three when the parents and holly were on it?that's what it looks like.)

Miguel held my hand as we reached the top and the Ferris wheel stopped, my heart sank a little thinking the ride broke or other things. But to my surprise Miguel just laughed. "What's so funny?" "You're face!" He continued laughing.

"We're literally stuck up here! Why are you laughing!" Miguel shook his head and smiled looking out into the people below us. He turned to me and placed a hand on mine. I rested my head on his shoulder as we watched the view. Then I looked at him, I felt a sudden urge to just kiss him.. i don't know why but...

As the ride started to move again, We were just staring at each other. Everyone started exiting the ride and once me and Miguel were off I pulled him in for a kiss, the sweetest kiss I could offer.

It was passionate, sweet, and loving. We stood their for a long time eventually breaking apart from the kiss and hugging. "Guys hurry up! We're about to start!" Hawk interrupted us. Right before we get their me and Miguel go out our GI's on.

Miguel Diaz x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now