No Mercy

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Your POV:

"Ugh." I said as I sat up.

My head was hurting badly and on top of that it was super early in the morning and I had school. Did I mention, I am NOT a morning person.

I looked around me, only to find a cup of water, a note, and aspirin.

"Check your phone."

The note read, which made me laugh at Miguel's comment. Actually written comment but you get the idea. My phone buzzed on the table beside me which I gladly picked up.

But before I opened the text I took the medicine along with the water. I jumped out of bed and I headed towards the kitchen to find my mother passed out.

She had no blanket over her, she worked night shifts so I understood how she felt, I didn't know use to work late.

After placing the blanket over her I turned the tv off and cleaned up the living room. The time was only 6:05, which is earlier than I normally get up but-


Suddenly a loud bang was heard from outside, which caused me to run over to the door and open it. The first thing I saw was Daniel and Johnny fighting in Johnny's apartment.

"The hell?" I whispered as I watched the two fight. Then everything went silent, which worried me. Its 6 a.m in the morning, what the actual fuck is going on.

Sam walked out of the building with her dad following right after. "Sam?" I questioned while she looked back, a sad look plastered on her face as they sped away. The car was gone so fast I barely had time to actually process it.

When I walked back to my room still trying to process what happened, my phone constantly went off. I recognized the notification sound, it was my custom one for Miguel.

Quickly, I picked it up with a smile.

Miggy💕: Y/n, did you take the medicine?
Hello? Y/nnn

Y/n: Yes. Thank you, with the morning I have had it's helped, a lot😭 that's why it took me so long.

Miggy💕: What does that mean?💀

Y/n: I was in the living room when I heard a bang outside, so me being me I quickly ran out to look. Turns out at 6:05 am sensei and Daniel were having a fucking karate match💀 also how the hell did you not here it?

Miggy💕: ain't no way, plus I'm deft bru💀

Y/n: ikr, well I got to get ready for school, ttyl!

Miggy💕: see ya later, love.

I blushed slightly at the nickname, turning my phone off to get ready. My body was quite sore and me running didn't help my case. "What do wear?" I mumbled to myself quietly looking at through my dresser.

An 80's band t-shirt was visible so I grabbed it, then I slid on some black leggings along with a zip up jacket that had spider man on it.

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