Task 7: "The Silence Before The Storm" (SF)

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A/N: We had to base this task on a song (see link) and guess who murdered the President. Correct guess -> finals, (WHICH I MANAGED!!! :D )


"Stay out of my head, stay out of my head...stay the hell out of my head!" I bang my head against the wall over and over. Before you even get to wondering, no, it doesn't hurt. It's not even half the pain that I experience inside my head. This has been one of the worst days in this hellhole. Well, that isn't even the right word for it. Jail is actually cozy. This pain inside my head however, it won't freaking go away! "Disappear so you can do what, 'perfect' your ways of making people suffer the most inhumane way? You're done with that! You're in prison for a crime! Your wrecking days are over..."

Little conscious of Cyrus has been a real pain. He's desperately trying to make me more 'humane'...well, suffering is human and people make each other suffer so I guess I'm just acting like a part of nature, right? Ever since I got placed in this cell, the silence has actually nurtured that poor boy back into my head and it comes with a big pain in my head at first. I didn't know what was going on in beginning, but it only made sense once the poor excuse of a boy finally made it clear that he was still 'in there'. The boy that was too weak! I freaking protected him! He should be damn happy that somebody did or that damn bastard would still have been alive.

I close my eyes hard as the pain comes in waves, back and forth. It's been particularly bad today. I never let it break me. It's just a damn pain to have to deal with it. "You know, I protected you against your step-father. You would've been still his little abused bitch if I hadn't done what I did so a bit of gratitude would've been damn nice!" I snarl back out loud to a room only filled with my own voice. I don't care of they supervise me and hear this. They're too damn scared to comment it in my presence anyways.

I am oh-so-close to just banging the wall to pieces right now, just breaking my hand and have the pain of that subdue him. Little Cyrus is weak. In pain, he disappears because he can't take it. Poor kid is too traumatized...it could've been worse if it hadn't been for me! When I wreck my little fingers and hands, he disappears because he can't stand the sounds, much like the guards around me can't either. "I would've rather be dead than to be turned into the monster that you are...I mean that you've made me..." He answers.

I'm about to answer him when I hear the lock-mechanisms by the door, which by the way is ten meters from my 'box', and a couple of guards enter the room. I'm breathing heavily because I really need to put my hands on someone and just wreck them. Sadly, the guards are out of my reach. Not to worry though, I can make them shiver by other means.

"What the hell do you want?! Can't you see I'm not in the mood for coward visitors?!" I bark at them as I turn my attention towards them. I walk to the door and stare at them with a look that could kill if I had telepathic powers. They just stand there, stiff of fear and I can tell they're about to pee their pants. They look like...like Cyrus when he was a cowardly little kid. After a while I start smiling. After that, I start laughing like a maniac. "You guys are so tense! It's almost a shame I don't get to 'soften' you up a little bit."

I see them swallow slightly at the thought of it. They remember what I did on my first day here. The next one that touched me also had an 'unfortunate' accident. They look at each other, almost arguing silently amongst themselves who's going to tell me whatever it is they're here to tell me. "Th-there's a special a-announcement from the He-Head Gamemaker...S-Silka." One of them says as the screen in one of the corners go on. They leave the room immediately as my intriguing mind dwells on it. The Head-Gamemaker? Why would it be so special to me? Hmm...

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