VOLUME 8 Chapter 7

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The Theater looked like an Evil-looking Gothic Museum, full to the brim with Vampires from all walks of life on the streets, watching their Nobility and Royals in full display, and outside its doors. A crimson carpet to its magnificent ornate wooden entrances with the High Ranking people of the country, all properly lined up to greet their King and Queen. Brandishing their beauty, luxury, and privilege to the lower classes as the people look in awe of the presentation and show of the country's governing ranks.

Even two blocks away, Paul could feel the air of luxury and privilege oozing from it. He takes out a pamphlet given to him by the Joint Foreign Affairs Department Agent that was walking around reminding players on how to act. The piece of paper had all the reminders to guide him on where he is supposed to go. As the Highest Ranking member in the Diplomatic envoy, he is to be right in front and is to shake hands with the King and Queen, even the Princess if she was to be present.


"M'Lord, don't overthink now. We're nearing the theater."

"I know, I know. The pressure is just mounting up on me now and it's frickin' cold! Also, how come you people are so tall?! Like, is a Vampire's average height Six Foot Two or something?"

"I am still not accustomed to your foreign system of measurement but Vampires are naturally tall as the Vampire Power will turn your body into its peak self. I might have not mentioned it but this includes your height, so M'Lord, if you ever turn into a Vampire. You'd get an extra three to six inches if my usage of your metric is correct."

"Dang, really? Oh wow, I should get some of that back home. A few extra inches to make me finally six foot tall would be ideal."

All of the sudden, Elizabeth punches the wall of a building she's next to and the snow that's piled up on its roof falls on her. Burying her with it.


Bahamut, with her magic, quickly melts the snow. Now, Elizabeth seems to be a hot woman. With steam billowing from her dress.

"Wha-what was that for?!"

"I needed to hide my scent. I had so much fun with everyone that I seem to have forgotten to do so."

"J-just give us a heads up next time. My head is swirling right now, realizing the potential punishment of my actions if I make a mistake."

"Also, Bahamut. Would you kindly stand in front of me at the entrance ceremony? Since you are taller, I'd like you to block all possibilities of the King and Queen sensing or seeing me. Monkey might get flashbacks if he were to see a tall blonde woman with a certain air to her. I'm so beautiful after all."

"Hm. Shall I go with a threatening aura as it engulfs my vicinity with my flames? I'm sure not even the King will be able to sniff you out."

"NO, BAHAMUT. Just do something with your Divine aura. Do not threaten anyone or use any of those scary True Magic, please. Elizabeth, can't you just go invisible or something?"

"Yes Master."

"Now where would the fun be? I still wanna be there to see Monkey finally show his true glory in front of his ancient Queen. Charles did have a lot of faith in that man, though I never saw his worth other than a Monkey who dances to the tunes of those above him."

They soon arrive at the theater with the Knight Legion of the House Charlemagne and the Kingdom's grunts guarding the perimeter being absolutely suspicious of the group and stops them from entering the vicinity. But an Officer from the UN saw the General and immediately came, he vouched for the General, thus gaining entrance. "Geez, is something happening? That's awfully strict of them." Paul leads the group next to the staircase where the entire envoy was. Humans and Vampires, he then takes the lead and stops right before the carpet.

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