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After we had gone through Hogsmeade and rode on the boats, Professor McGonagall took us to the Great Hall to get Sorted. "Well my whole family is Gryffindor so I think it'll be pretty obvious," Ron stated proudly. "I don't know, I just have this weird feeling that I'm a Slytherin," I said as I stared up at the ceiling. I looked back down to see all of them staring in absolute disgust. "Anyone who comes from that house is evil, You-Know-Who was in that house," Ron said coldly. "Well would you say that if I turned up there?" I asked. "I know that you wouldn't, I mean, someone like you would never be so cold to be a Slytherin," Hermione denied. "We'll just have to wait and see," I replied. Ron, Hermione, and Harry got Sorted into Gryffindor. "She's gotta be Gryffindor," I heard Ron whisper to Harry. Harry nodded and watched as I stumbled up to the stage. I sat on the stool and took a deep breath as the Hat was placed on my head. 

I shot a nervous glance at Harry, he nodded and mouthed "It's okay,". "Another Potter, yet, different from the others," The Hat said. "A bit cold I should say, definitely proud of who she is, very ambitious, works hard to get what she wants, and . . . sarcastic," It stated. "Slytherin," I whispered in hope. "Must be . . . Slytherin!" The Hat exclaimed. I smiled as applause roared across the audience and took a seat with my House. 

I sighed as I sunk into a recliner chair in the common room. A girl was pacing swiftly, digging her head into a paper. She tripped over her trunk and fell next to me. "Sorry!" She exclaimed as her cheeks flushed. She pushed her wavy brunette hair out of her face and her hazel eyes shone in the green glow. "It's alright," I replied as I helped her up. "Have you seen Haven Potter?" She asked. "Well that'll be me," I replied with a proud smile. "Oh, I'm going to be your roommate, I'm Ariella Riddle," She stated. "I'll take these," She said as she pointed at my trunk. "Accio trunk!" She exclaimed as my trunk floated in the air. I smiled in awe . . . magic. We walked to the room and she winced at the door. "I've forgot my keys, oh well, shouldn't be a problem, Alohomora!" She exclaimed as the door busted open. I unpacked and stretched out on the sofa, it wasn't a dream, this whole time it was a vision. 

I can't believe it, finally, I can escape from my abusive aunt and uncle. He treated us no higher than a piece of trash. Dudley was out with his friends while we were thrown around, literally, thrown around, and I have scars to prove it. They even let their cigarette ashes fall onto our arms, leaving terrible burns. Tears fell out of my eyes at the terrible memories. "Hey, are you okay Haven?" Ariella asked in a caring tone. "I'm alright, I'm just homesick," I lied. Homesick, the last thing I am right now, if anything, I am home, everything is in place. "You'll get over it after a bit, it's amazing here," Ariella reassured. "Thanks a lot," I replied sarcastically, knowing that she'll never feel the same way as me. "Haven, Mum told me to give you this," A boy with curly brunette hair and brown eyes in the doorway said. He was holding a package in the shape of a broomstick. "My broom! I hope it's a Nimbus! Or a Firebolt!" Ariella exclaimed. 

"Mum's got you a wand from Olivander's as well, come get it," He added. Ariella squealed in pleasure, jumped up and down and shoved past him. "Sorry about her, I'm her brother Mattheo," He said with a smile. "I'm" "Haven Potter, I know, I'll see you around," He said as he left. 

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