The Devil Doesn't Bargain

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"Alohomora!" I yelled, swinging the door open. I ran as fast as I could to Gryffindor Tower in tears. "Woah, woah, woah, what is it now?" Harry asked. "I want him back, so much, but I can't have him!" I sobbed out. 

"It's useless, don't do this

It's hubris to try
He's ruthless, you knew this
I told you, didn't I?
He's abusive, elusive
The truth is, he lies
I know you don't want to let go"

Harry told me.

"And just like before

I can see that you're sure
You can change him but I know you won't"

Ron added on.

"The devil doesn't bargain

He'll only break your heart again
It isn't worth it, darling
He's never gonna change
He'll never be Prince Charming
He'll only do you harm again
I don't mean to meddle
But the devil doesn't settle
No, the devil doesn't bargain"

They sang in unison.

"I'm not one to lecture

Talk down to a friend
I don't mean to pressure
Mean to condescend
But I just want what's best for
You in the end
I know you don't want to let go"

Hermione added.

"THE DEVIL DOESN'T BARGAIN!" They yelled. "Mattheo's much better," Harry told me. "Well, he wasn't my Amortentia, was he?!" I sobbed out.

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