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I yawned as I woke up with my head on Mattheo's chest. "Come on Haven, we have a class," He said as he played with my hair. I kissed his shoulder and walked to the stables with him for Care of Magical Creatures, this should be well because I knew how to ride horses. 

Everything was going well until my horse started bucking. I was able to sit the bucks but once she reared I flew off. "Are you alright?" Draco asked, running up to me. "Yeah, but I have a hole in my shirt," I said as I pointed to the small hole in my shoulder. "Here," Draco said as he handed me his hoodie. I looked at his hoodie then back at him with absolute disgust. "Ewww, thanks," I said in disgust as I walked to lunch by myself. "Where are you going by yourself?" I heard a voice behind me ask. I turned around in fury as my face turned tomato red and I balled my fists, turning my palm white. "What . . . the . . . fuck . . . do you want?" I asked in a pissed off tone. "Let's go Haven," Mattheo said as he threw his hoodie over me. I grabbed his hand and smiled over my shoulder at Draco. Damn, jealous dickhead. 

Harry shot me a glare when he saw me come in with Mattheo, I quickly removed my hand from his. "I'll be there," I told Mattheo as I walked to Harry. "Stay away from boys," He commanded coldly. "Who are you to tell me what to do?" I asked as I walked out of the Great Hall. Once I entered the dark hallway. Someone shoved me against the wall, I could feel their chest against mine. I looked up to see Draco, butterflies flew in my stomach and I blushed at how close he was to me. Stop! I commanded myself. You hate him! I repeated. "Listen, Pottah,"He hissed out. "Don't play games with me," He commanded coldly. He was an inch away to kissing me until I grabbed his tie and with all my strength, pushed him to the floor and fled away at full speed . . . why did I like that?

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