What's That Supposed to Be About Baby?

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"Haven!" Mattheo yelled out in a nervous tone. "What is it?" I asked as I turned around. "Come quick!" He yelled back. I ran with Mattheo to . . . the library? "Be quiet alright?" He asked. I nodded, it was serious. "Hey baby girl," I heard Adrian say to Pansy Parkinson, with her head in his lap. "What's that supposed to be about "baby?" I asked as tears rolled town my cheeks. Mattheo squeezed my hand to stop me from slapping him. "LET ME GO!" I screamed out. But he just tightened his grip on me even more. "Someone told me stay away from things that aren't yours. But was he yours, if he wanted me so bad? Pacify her, she's getting on my nerves. You don't love her, stop lying with those . . . w-w-words," I sobbed out as I threw my arm around Mattheo's neck and cried into his chest. I have already been through enough, this was too much. 

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