Studying . . .

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Ever since yesterday, I haven't been able to get him off of my mind, and I have no idea why. I walked to Potions with Mattheo, having him completely unaware of what happened. 

We got assigned partners to brew Pepperup Potion later after classes finished. "Draco and Haven," Snape assigned. No, no, not me. I looked over at Draco and he raised his eyebrows at me. "Please sir, anyone else,"  I begged. "You guys need to learn to get along," He finalized. I frowned and sighed deeply. 

. . . 

I sighed as I walked to Draco's dorm, this is not going to go well. "Draco!" I yelled as I knocked on the door. "Come in! I'm in the bathroom I'll be out in a sec!" He called out. I rolled my eyes as I came in and sat on the couch. I gasped and covered my eyes when I saw him come out shirtless . . . why did he look so hot? "Put a shirt on, please," I begged quietly. "Shit, I forgot!" He exclaimed even though it was clear that he was lying. I sat next to him at his desk and grabbed the ingredients from my bag. I was still blushing from before. "Okay, please work with me, we need to get this done," I said, finally in a kind tone. "You've never talked that nice to me before," Draco said with a smirk. I shot him a try-me look. Draco and I talked as we took turns putting the ingredients in. "I like your rings," I said as I grabbed his hands and examined his rings. "Oh, thanks," He replied, I could've sworn that he was blushing. "So, does this make us friends?" He asked. I shook my head and replied coldly "Not yet,",

"Hey, me and some friends are going to Hogsmeade, do you want to come?" He asked kindly. "Sure," I agreed. "But when?" I asked. "In about a week," He answered. "Alright, bye," I said as I hugged him. "Bye," He replied with flushed cheeks.

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