Can't Catch a Break

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Y/N had now let go of Raphael's arm as the group made their way through back streets towards an entrance to the sewers. Sure they could have just taken any man hole and traveled by sewer tunnels but they can be like a maze if you're not careful. So the teenagers took the ladder option and just took alleys and back streets to get as close to home before heading below ground.

"Donnie, are we there yeeet?!" Mikey nagged, stumbling behind his brother dramatically.

"Calm down Mikey, we are almost there," Donnie answered, not looking up from his GPS on his wrist tech.

Y/N paused as their stomach growled.

"Man, I'm hungry, I can't wait to get home and get something to eat," Y/N stated, following close by Raph's side.

"Honestly, me too, I could go for some food right about now," he agreed, looking down at Y/N.

They walked for a while more before Y/N stopped moving, their eyes darting around anxiously as they heard a noise.

"What's wrong Y/N?" Raph turned to look at them, he stopped walking as well. Raphael's brothers stopped too, turning to look at the startled teen.

"Didn't you guys hear that?" They asked, stepping closer to Raph. The turtles all agreed they hadn't heard anything and Raph placed a hand on Y/N's shoulder.

"You're just paranoid, there's nothing to worry about," he assured. Y/N slowly nodded and mumbled to themself that they must have been hearing things.

The group began walking again, hoping Raph was right and Y/N had just been hearing things when-


A portal opened up below Y/N, swallowing them whole and disappearing before the turtles could follow them in.

"NO NO NO! Y/N!" Raph cried, clawing at the ground. He stood up and turned to his brother.

"LEONARDO! WHAT DID I JUST SAID! WHERE DID YOU SEND THEM!" Raphael shouted at his blue clad brother. Raph towered over Leon, anger and worry in his eyes.

"I didn't do anything I swear my sword it in its sheath!" Leon responded, putting his hands in the air.

"It looked like one of Draxum's portals... do you think..." Donnie began, trailing off as his mind wandered to all the possibilities.

"Draxum?!" Raph's dread grew as he began pacing.

"Ah! What the hell?!" Y/N yelped as they landed on the ground of a strange looking lab.

"Donnie would like this style," Y/N though, looking around. Y/N was brought back to the seriousness of the moment when they heard a chuckle and watched two black blobs dart through the air and around a large glowing column in the middle of the room.

"Who is there!" Y/N yelled, putting their hands up in front of them in an offensive position. They had seen the boys train and were pretty sure they could throw a solid punch or two if they needed.

"Hello. Human." Bellowed a voice from behind them. Y/N spun on their heel but was snatched up in some sort of vine halfway through their turn.

"What is this?! Let me go!" Y/N struggled against the vines wrapped tightly around them.

"I meant to take one of my disappointing turtles but you seem close to them, you will suffice," the hoofed man grinned.

"What do you mean by that!" Y/N side eyed the man.

"They'll surely come for you child, I'll still get what I want," he chuckled.

Before Y/N could respond, they were thrown into a cage, hard, knocking the wind out of them. Y/N gasped for air, clutching their chest.

The sheep man waved his hand and the vines outside the cage twisted and closed it.

"The sooner they get here the better, the trap is set," the sheep man grinned wildly. Y/N sat up, there was nothing they could do but wait for the turtles to show up and hopefully warn them before they fall into whatever trap the sheep had set.

"Raph wait! What if it is a trap! Draxum is smarter than to just take someone without a reason, especially someone close to to us like that!" Donnie yelled, following Raph as the snapping turtle ran towards the entrance to the hidden city.

"I don't care! We can't let him hurt them!" Raph shouted back, determination in his voice as he spoke.

"Raph, we have to think this through, listen to Donnie!" Mikey yelled, landing on Raph's shoulders. Raph was unfazed by his youngest brother's actions and words, he continued to run.

"Raphael! Stop! We have to think about this! If it is a trap we may get caught. If we get caught we can't save Y/N!" Leo yelled, stopping in front of his brother. Raph stopped running, one, so not to run over his brother, two, because he realized Leo was right. If he got caught and wasn't able to save himself how would he save Y/N.

"Okay. Donnie, how are we doing this?" Raph turned to his purple clad brother. Donnie looked down at his wrist tech and thought for a moment.

"No doubt Draxum is waiting for us to show up, we should try to find a way in where we won't be detected," Donnie began typing and working with the data. Raph took a deep breath, telling himself Y/N would be okay until he got there. Leo noticed his worry and walked over to his side, resting his hand on the tall turtle's arm.

"Hey, Draxum wouldn't hurt Y/N, he needs them to lure us in and them being dead would completely ruin that, they are going to be okay, we will get them back," Leo assured, giving his older brother his signature confident smile. Raph chuckled, he knew Leo was partly right. He just hoped they'd make it in time before Draxum started hurting Y/N just out of boredom, he wouldn't put it past him.

"Okay, Donnie, find us a way in, preferably not using one of Leo's portals, they aren't very reliable," Raph began getting himself together and making a plan.

"Mikey, we are going to need a distraction if Draxum catches us, I'd send Leo but his jokes would probably make us all cringe so bad we'd get caught," he continued. Leo gasped dramatically and placed his hand on his heart all offended like. Mikey chuckled and the mood began to lift as everyone calmed down.

"Leo, you, me, and Donnie are going to sneak in and find Y/N, we have to be careful," Raph finished, placing his hands on his hips confidently.

"Raph, I have located 2 possible ways in. One being with Leo's portals unfortunately," Donnie piped up, pulling up a hologram screen from his wrist tech.

"One is an entrance to the hidden city that pops out behind Draxum's lab, from there we can take the back entrance into the lab. The other option is Leon portals us into the lab directly however if we do that there is a chance Draxum will be there and we will alert him and we could get caught," Donnie explained, pointing at things on the screen.

"Lets go with the back entrance, we don't want to get caught and risk Y/N's life," Raph nodded.

It was settled, they'd get in through the back, get Y/N, and get out through the way they came in, Leo's portals were a last resort if needed.

If only it were that easy

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