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Aisling's POV 

"Mom why do I feel like I know these guys?" I asks her as I kept looking at one of the many RUN BTS I've been watching since forever. It just appeared to me one day on my YouTube page and ever since then I haven't been able to stop watching them. 

Maybe it's because it's so funny but every time I hear their voices, it's as if I've heard them somewhere before. And somehow, my mom is always so against it. She just hates it that I like these boys so much. 

"Get over it Aisling, shouldn't you be studying?" See what I mean? She doesn't even get it. She always avoids the questions. 

It's as if she's been keeping something from me but I've never been able to guess what. 

"I already did my homework mom." 

"Then do something else besides watching those boys. What have they taught you, uh? Maybe if you read some books or something, you'll have better grades." 

I roll my eyes as she always tells me this. In my defense, I don't have bad grades, I just don't get an 'A'.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me?" She asked me and I could feel my heart racing. I don't like it when she gets mad. 

"No- no of course not-" 

"To your room, now!" She yelled at me and I flinched as I nodded, taking the computer with me and going to my room, closing the door behind me. You could say my mom and I have never been so close. 

I envy those who say their mother is like their best friend, I've never been able to feel that way with mine. 

Continuing to watch BTS, my mood has been lifted up completely. They can always make my day better. 

I saw how Jimin was falling down on the floor and I just couldn't help but laugh more when none of the others reacted. They are so used at Jimin on the floor that it's actually normal. 


I was riding a bike, someone was besides me and they were helping me peddle. They kept saying 'go go you are doing it' and I truly believed I was. 

However, I was so focused on the pedals that I didn't noticed the road that was coming in front of me and with that a car, that was driving way too fast. 

It didn't stop and neither could I, I've lost total control of the bike. 

"HELP! PLEASE HELP!" I kept yelling as I tried to stop but couldn't. Before the car could collied with me everything went white. 


Gasping for air I woke up and look around. I was in my room. 

That stupid nightmare again. Why the hell have I always dreamt of it? It's always the same nightmare. 

Shaking it off, I look at my nightstand and saw it was 4am. 

Well, I'm fully awake now, no way I'm I going to sleep again. 

Sighing I took my computer and did what I always do. 

Watch BTS until it was time to go to school. 

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