Chapter 14.

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Sabrina's POV 

I was feeling so tired, but I still didn't want to go to my house. Let's just say that dad is always drunk and I really don't want to have to deal with him right now. It's always the same with him so I prefer to just not be home at all. 

"Hey, are you okay?" Taehyung asked me as we sat down on a Mc Donalds table waiting for our order. It's crazy to be here at 3am but what's even crazier is being here with these boys. 

I always questioned Aisling about her love for them, but now I understand her. They are pretty great. They are real and I can tell they truly care. They are real people, not just some fabricated idols that the company has made them be, they are themselves, no matter how hard the industry wants them to change. 

"Yeah, I'm just tired." I told him. Is it crazy if I admit that I kind of like Taehyung? He's just being so amazingly cute and thoughtful all day, making sure I'm fine and we don't even know each other that well. 

"Do you want us to take you home after we eat?" He asked me and I honestly didn't want them to see my house. I'm not sure why but I've always been ashamed of it. Even with Aisling I've never taken her to my house. 

She has always asked me why and I always tell her it's because with my dad there is not safe... which is partially true but it's more because of how it looks. 

It's so small. There's only a kitchen, a bathroom and one room where my dad and I sleep. Plus, my dad would probably be waiting for me and if he sees me coming home with a boy, who knows what could happen. 

"It's fine, I'll just take a taxi or something." I told him although I was planning on just go walking. It's not far from here but they don't need to know that. 

"It's 3am. I don't feel comfortable knowing you are going on a taxi alone to your house at this hour. Who knows what can happen? Please, just let us drive you there. It doesn't matter how far away it is." 

Will I be able to change his mind? What can I say when he's looking at me with those puppy eyes. 

Maybe I can make them take me to a different house and just make them think that that is my house even though it isn't and when they leave I can just walk to mine. 

Yeah, I'll do that. 

"Fine." I sigh as the others brought our foods to the table. "I could've helped you guys." I told them and they shook their heads, saying it's fine. 

"So we have a meeting at 10am to talk about our next mv so we better be there on time." Namjoon said to the guys and they all nodded. 

"Do you know how long it's gonna be?" Jungkook asked. 

"Probably the whole day. Because we also have to talk about the concept the new mv is going to have and the music video and everything. We need to have all of that ready in two weeks." The boys groan and I can tell that they are tired. I feel bad for them. 

"Can't you just ask for a day off?" I asked them and Namjoon actually laughed at my question. 

"Don't worry though, we were trained for this." 

"We weren't actually trained for exactly this though..." Jimin said as we all kept eating. 

"What do you mean?" Suga asked. 

"I wasn't trained to go to work after almost being killed the day before or after my crush almost died and she's in the hospital." He said it so angry that I got concerned. I didn't think he was this angry about the whole situation. I knew he was worried, I just didn't think he was angry.

Or that he would say 'crush'. 

It's cute though, but I don't think this is a good moment to say that. 

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