Chapter 10.

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Sabrina's POV 

Aisling's mom freaked out as expected, but she talked to the policemen and told them to keep following the investigation and to look for her daughter. It was all she had left. 

When she said that last part it broke my heart. 

It's now the next day and the boys stayed over at Aisling's house as I did. We slept in the living room, hoping that Aisling would just come through the door and say it was all a prank or something like that. Even though she would never do that either. 

I honestly didn't sleep at all, and I think Jimin didn't either. I heard him waking up and going to the bathroom at least 3 times last night. I'm not sure what he did there, but I know he went and walked around the house. 

I was too tired to stand up but I was also too worried to sleep. 

"We have to go to work..." Hobi said and we were all a wreck. You could tell we didn't have the best night. 

"It's fine. I'll call you if she comes home." I told them as I was not planning on leaving this house just in case she came back. 

"Don't you have to work too?" Taehyung ask me. 

"I work from home so it's fine." He nodded and went to the car, Jungkook following behind. 

"Do you want me to stay with you?" Jimin asked me and I shook my head. 

"You've done way too much already. It's fine." I told him but Hoseok intervened after I said that. 

"I think you should stay too Jimin. I'll just tell Sejin that you got sick so you stayed in bed." Jimin agreed although I was still telling them that it wasn't necessary. 

"I'll tell you guys if we have any news." Jimin told Hobi and he nodded as they were ignoring me. This guys are unbelievable. 


We've been here for about 5 hours. We've eaten, watch some TV and took a shower. 

I could feel the tiredness taking over me, as the sleep from last night came like a wrecking ball now. 

"If you want you can sleep. I'll wake you if anything happens." Jimin told me and I sigh as I nodded because I could feel my body giving up on me. 

Jimin's POV 

I saw how Sabrina fall asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow on the living room couch. I smile a little at her as she was so exhausted. I can't even imagine what she's been going through this week. 

I decided to go out of the house and stay at the porch of the door looking outside to see if maybe, just maybe, I was able to spot Aisling by any chance. 

However, after two hours passed by, I knew she wasn't coming home. Something must have happened to her and that's what I was fearing the most. 

Will I ever be able to tell her how much she means to me? 

The last thing that happened between us was that she got mad at me and Taehyung for not telling her the truth. 

Will I ever be able to tell her the truth about us? 

"I should have known you had to do something with this." I heard someone say and when I look up I saw Aisling's mother. I could see the bags under her eyes as well, the stress was reflected in her hair and the hatred she felt for me was reflected in her eyes. 

I stood up immediately when I saw her. Fixing my clothes and my hair as if that would help her not hate me more. 

"You need to leave. Right now." She said before she pushed me out of the way so she could go inside the house. I stopped her though. I need her to understand that we are not kids anymore. That I care about her. 

"We're not kids anymore." Was the first thing I said. "We've grown up. She doesn't remember who I am, so who I'm I hurting if it's not myself by being around her?" 

"If you are hurting then why do you still try to be with her? You are a bad influence Jimin, I don't care what other things you have to say. You broke my family, her family. I won't let you come near us again." 

I took her by the wrists before she could go inside and although I was having a mental breakdown at how much she truly hated me, I swallowed it down. "I'm not leaving." I told her as I looked straight at her eyes. "I care too much about her to just leave." I paused when I saw she had nothing to say. "I'm not leaving again just because you tell me to." 

"I can call the police and tell them that she ran away because of you. Maybe that way you'll end up in prison as you should have when you were 7." 

Does she truly believe I should've of gone to prison? We were kids. 

"It took me some time to learn that I did nothing wrong Ms. Choi." I took the courage to say. "We were 7 years old. We didn't know the dangers of the world and we had to learn it in a hard way. We almost lost our best friend, although at the end it felt like we did. But you have no idea how happy I was now that I saw her again." 

"Well that happiness can be gone for all I care. Jimin you need to leave, right now. I swear to God I'm gonna-" 

"He'll stay. I told him to." We suddenly heard someone else say and I look behind Ms. Choi to see that it was Sabrina. 

After a moment of silence, she said "Well, then both of you leave. You are both bad influence on Aisling anyway." 

I look at Sabrina to see her eyes watering once more. I don't want her to cry more than she already has, but I honestly can't take Ms. Choi's decisions anymore. "Why can't you just admit that we care about Aisling? That someone else other than you can be with her?" 

"Because I don't believe you all can actually protect her!" She finally said as she snapped. Her eyes watering. "She's unhappy all the time. No matter how many people surrounds her. I know that. I know I messed her up but it is my job to try and make it right again. I can't trust the world because eventually everyone leaves you. Just like my husband did."

Her tears began to fall down but she shook her head as she tried to wipe them away. "Leave." She finally said as she entered the house while pushing Sabrina out of the way and closed the door in our face. 

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