Chapter 18.

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Aisling's POV 

"GET HER OUT OF HERE!" Sabrina yelled as she pointed at me. I could see the hatred. She really hates me. 


"STOP! Why can't you get that I don't want to see you anymore?!" She was now actually crying. Her face was so red, I was scared. But I had to face her, she's my best friend and I won't let her push me away.  

"I won't let you push me away." I said as I step closer, carefully. 

After a moment of only the heavy breathing of Sabrina could be heard, Jimin cleared his throat, reminding me that he was still here with Taehyung. "We'll leave you both to talk. We'll be outside if anything... um... happens." 

We heard them getting out of the room and closing the door behind them. 

She rolled her eyes at me as she sat down, finally more calm now. Maybe the calmest she's been all day. 

"I can't be your friend anymore Aisling." When she said that,  I didn't understand it. I thought maybe it was just the situation that made her be this angry at me. But I never thought she would've said those words to me. 

"W-What?" Now I'm the one who feels like I could cry right now. But I won't, I won't give up on our friendship. Not now, not ever. But specially not now that I know she needs me the most. 

"We're toxic for each other... you, you're toxic for me." She did not just said that. Has she been feeling this way for how long? "You make me doubt myself. You make me feel like I'm always alone." 

"Sab- I- I don't understand." I said truthfully. When I said that she looked at me and I saw the honesty in her eyes. 

"When you were in the hospital and I went through all of this, I was by myself. And I made it. I don't need you in my life just to ruin it more." She kept explaining but it just didn't make sense to me. None of her feelings towards me were making sense to me. "I thought you needed me, but you don't. Now you don't need me and I really don't need you. I've never needed you... it was only you who needed me, but I never needed you." 

"Sab, don't do this- we-we're best friends, since we were 7 years old-" I tried to explain, as I took her hand but she separated it quickly, shaking her head as tears streamed down her face. She was broken and she didn't wanted me to see it. 

"I felt sorry for you because you were alone at school, you didn't have any friends so I felt sorry and decided to be your friend. But it didn't bring anything good to me." My heart broke each time she said a word. It hurt me knowing that she felt this way right now and I was praying that it has not always been this way. "Now that you have Jimin and Teahyung back you don't need me. Please just let me leave." She finally said as she stood up and was about to go to the door but I stopped her.

I can't let her go. I won't ever let her go. 

"Sabrina, you're wrong, do you know why?" She didn't answer and since she wasn't looking at me, I knew I had to continue. "Because you're not just a best friend, you're the sister I never had. You're the reason why I keep fighting and I know I'm the reason why you keep fighting. We love each other and we're supposed to be supporting each other through the good and the bad. How I'm I going to let you walk away right now knowing what you're going through?" 

She didn't say anything and before I could react, she separated her wrist from my hand and ran out of the door. She was able to bump into Taehyung who was just outside of it and he was able to react. "I know it's not my place to know what is happening between the two of you, but we're not letting you go either Sabrina." 

He stood in front of her and Jimin was looking at us, more like at me. I know he's worried and they probably heard of all that. I'm just glad they're here. 

"She may have us now, but she needs you still. She'll always need you, not because she uses you, but because you comfort her, you make her feel safe, you understand her." Taehyung continued, surprising me by his words. "She wants to help you, let her help you. Who else knows you as well as she does?"

When Taehyung said all of those things it's like something clicked in her mind. She never once left my gaze and I couldn't still read her thoughts. It's as if though, she was in a trance. 

But when he asked that last question, she came back. 

Her eyes still streaming tears none stop, I could tell now that she felt sorry. Without saying anymore words, she hugged me. And it felt like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. 

I hugged her tighter and tighter, afraid she would leave me again. "I-I'm sorry-" She said as she kept crying, her whole body almost colapsing on mine. But I'm letting her, I'm giving her the strength she so desperately needs.  

"Shhh it's okay, I'm here." I haven't opened my eyes since she came to my arms, but when I did, I saw Jimin's own eyes watering as he was looking at the scene in front of him, same goes for Tae. 


After a while of just letting her cry, the four of us went back inside the room so people wouldn't hear us. "Do you um... want to tell them what happened?" I asked Sab carefully, making sure she wouldn't snap again. 

She shook her head as she looked down. She was sitting besides me and on the other side of her was Tae. Jimin was on my other side. So the both of us were in the middle. 

"Can you tell them? Please..." She begged me with her eyes. I nodded and I told them the story. Making sure I wouldn't go too far. But she let me tell it just as I told my mom. 

Taehyung's POV 

I was so angry at the world. 

She doesn't deserve this. 

These girls doesn't derserve this. 

I can't belive that both of them had been through such traumatizing thing as being- 

I can't even say the word. It's just so disgusting to think that humans are capable of doing so much harm to someone else. 

There was a moment of silence, before I decided to break it with a hug. 

I couldn't help myself. I just hated feeling that that happened to Sabrina and we didn't know about it. 

We left her that day at her house. She probably knew it was coming and we didn't help her. 

That's why she didn't want to go home that day. 

I squeezed her tightly, not wanting to let go and she did the same. I almost forgot that Aisling was here as well as Jimin. 


I remembered they were here when I felt their bodies hugging ours.  

"We're gonna help you. I promise, no one else will ever make you suffer like that again." I whisper, knowing full well that everyone heard me, but I hope Sabrina understood that it was meant for only her. 

And I'll keep my promise. 

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