Chapter 7.

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*2 days later*

Hoseok's POV 

It was like 3am when I heard my phone going off. I wanted to ignore it once I saw it was an unknown number and that it was 3 fucking am. I need to sleep people. 

However, when the number stopped calling, I heard through the house another phone going off. I think it was Jimin's because I know his ringtone. Then it wasn't Jimin's phone but Taehyung's. 

What the hell is going on? 

Groaning as I gave up I stood up from bed and took my phone. I heard movements outside and knew the members have woken up. I went out as well with Suga who has not said anything. I think he might still be asleep but decided to see what's happening anyway. 

"Your phone rang too?" Jimin asked me and I nodded as him, Taehyung and I put our phones on the center of the table in the living room and look to see it's the same number. 

"Who's calling you all at this hour? It doesn't make sense." Namjoon said. "I have a feeling you shouldn't answer it." 

But I had a feeling that we should. And I knew my feeling was correct as soon as the number began to call me again. 

"Answer it but put it on speaker." Jin instructed taking me by surprise, since it's not everyday that Jin acts like the hyung. 

I nodded as I answered the phone and before I could say anything at all, I heard a somewhat familiar voice. "Thank goodness, is this Hoseok?" I look at Jimin out of instinct, because I felt like he recognized the voice too. 

"That's Sabrina." He said almost as soon as I looked at him when he put his hand in front of the phone speaker so Sabrina wouldn't hear him. "Why is she calling us?" 

"Who's she again?" Namjoon asked and I was confused too. Who's Sabrina? 

"Hoseok, please just tell me Aisling is with you right now." Realization hits me as I heard Aisling's name.

Jimin took off his hand and told me to answer her. "Sabrina? No, Aisling is not with me right now. Why are you calling us at this hour?" 

"Are you with the others? Is she not with Jimin or Taehyung or someone?" She was desperate and now I was worried. Why was she asking where Aisling is? Is she drunk? 

"Sabrina are you drunk?" Jimin decided to ask, making me know we were all thinking the same thing. 

"NO! I'M NOT DRUNK!" She yelled through the phone making us all come wide awake if we weren't already. She took a deep breathe and I heard her moving around. "I-I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to worry Aisling's mother, but I haven't heard of Aisling in 2 days. She hasn't answered my calls, she's not home either. Her mom went to a business trip so I haven't told her what's happening but I'm worried. I thought that maybe she was with you so I decided not to get worried, but it's been two days... I couldn't sleep. I feel like something bad has happened." 

My breathing accelerated as I thought of what happened two days ago. I look at Jimin and Taehyung and I saw them looking at me too. 

"We saw Aisling two days ago." I blurted out making Jimin and Taehyung stressed out because they wanted to stop me from saying what happened. They were still ashamed of it but they need to accept what they did. 

"WHAT?! Really? Do you know where she could be now?" She was so hopeful now. I shouldn't of said that. 

"Uh no... I just remember I saw her by the park-" 

"Yes, she always goes to that park. I know which one you're talking about. I went to look for her there but she wasn't there either." She sigh as she then went quiet. I look at Jimin worried. 

"Do you want to come by and we can think of what to do to look for her?" Jimin suggested taking all of us by surprise. 

"It's 3 am though... I'm sorry I bothered you. You must be really tired so just go back to sleep. I'll figure out what to do." I smile a bit at Sabrina's words, knowing that she was truly worried about her best friend. 

"We want to help. Please come, I'll send you the address." Jimin insisted and I nodded at him, saying that he did good. 

"Are you sure? Don't you have to work tomorrow?" She asked and although we do, I can tell that Jimin was worried now as well. I was too. I won't be able to sleep now knowing that something could've happen to Aisling. 

"Now we are worried too Sabrina. Please... just let us help." Taehyung surprised us all by talking. He always manages to surprise us when he decides to speak. 

"Do you think you'll be able to come to Aisling's house? Maybe this way we can all look for some kind of clue that she might have left behind to let us know where she might of gone?" She has a point. I heard Suga groan however at the mention of having to move from here. 

"You can stay Suga." I said as I patted his back and he nodded as he went back to his room. But before he went, I heard him say something next. 

"Tell me if you find anything." And he closed the door to his room. 

I look at the others and they nodded their heads. "We'll go." 

"Jin hyung, Namjoon, Jungkook, if you guys don't want to go you don't have to. You really didn't knew her well enough..." Jimin said. Knowing that they are all tired as well. 

"I liked her. Even though I don't know her that well she was cool. I want to help." Jungkook said and I smile at the maknea and remembered how they won the game of mafia because they worked together. 

"I'm honestly going to sleep, but please don't get into any trouble." Joon said, "And keep me updated, okay?" 

We nodded as he patted Jimin's back and went to his room to sleep. Now there was Jin. He looked conflicted. 

"I feel like you all need someone responsable. This could go wrong." 

"And you are the best option?" I raised my eyebrows at him as I was trying to joke. He looked offended. 

"I'm the hyung after all." 

"They are fine with me. You know I'm responsable too hyung." I told him and he nodded in agreement. 

"Okay, I believe you'll be wise enough to know how to keep these young ones safe. Please call any of us if you need help." Jin said as he went to his room. 

I look at the maknea line now, all on my charge. I hope I won't regret doing this. 

"Okay, send us the address, we'll be there." Jimin said to Sabrina as she said 'okay' and ended the call. 

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