Chapter 9.

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Sabrina's POV 

"Can I tell you a story?" Jimin asked me, which took me by surprise. I'm beginning to understand why Aisling has such a big attraction to these guys. They are sweet and caring. It's weird to find celebrities who are this way. 

I nodded my head as I was still crying. He helped me stand up and guided me to Aisling's bed. He was still holding my hand when we sat down, but once he saw I was okay he separated it from mine. 

"There were two boys and one girl who were 7 years old. They were the best of friends." He began and for some reason I was really intrigued as to what this was all about. He took a deep breathe as he continued. "They were at the park that they always went to everyday. The two boys have already learned how to ride a bike so they decided to teach the girl." 

For some reason, I saw how his voice went a bit lower as the story progressed. How he began to speak slower too, maybe afraid of what my reaction would be but I can't figure out why he was so concern about my reaction to this story. 

What did this story had to do with anything that's happening right now? 

"The girl was able to paddle so the two boys decided to let go of the bike. However, it was too late when they realized that the bike was going straight to a street full of cars." 

My breathing accelerated as I was waiting for him to continue. His own eyes watering as he kept telling the story. I felt like it was more of a memory... not a story. 

"A car crashed into the bike of the girl, sending her to the ground. A loud scream was all that could be heard." Jimin's eyes closed as he let a tear slip from his eyes. "The two boys ran towards the girl and saw her laying down on the street, they thought she was dead." 

Was this... was this girl Aisling? 

"They got her to the hospital. The girl's parents were so mad at the two boys, yelling at them for being so irresponsable, for hurting their daughter. For being bad friends." Jimin's voice cracked at the end of that sentence, making my own tears keep flowing now, since they stopped for a moment. "The doctors said that the girl survived... but she lost her memory and would not remember anyone. Not even her parents, not even the boys." He paused for a second as he was recollecting himself. "When the girl's mother heard this, she decided that it was best if the boys never came close to the girl again. They almost killed her, they were bad influence on the girl, so the mother ended any sort of contact they could have with the girl." 

"After that day... the girl lost her father because he couldn't stand the fact that she had forgot about him. She began to suffer from constant migraine and she wasn't herself again." 

That last part... that's what made me know that it was Aisling. 

"Jimin... who were the two boys?" I ask him although I already knew the answer. 

"Taehyung and I." He finally said, as he let tears stream down his face. Before I could say anything else, Hoseok came to the room. 

He saw we were both crying but all he said next was "The police are here." 

Jimin looked at Hoseok and he stood up, but before he left the room he offered me his hand. 

Even though I should think that all of Aisling's suffering was Jimin and Taehyung's fault, I do not think it was. They were young, they were just playing, being kids. It's not their fault. But I also understand now why Aisling's mother decided to do what she did and why she's so protective of her. 

I took Jimin's hand anyway as we made our way to the living room were sure enough there where the police officers. 

I separated my hand from him as we sat down and faced the policemen. 

"So, Hoseok here told me that a girl named Aisling went missing. Correct?" He asked as we introduced ourselves. 

"Yes." I nodded as I gathered myself together. "Um... she's never like this. Like at all. She always tells someone if she's going somewhere because she suffers from a lot of migraines and she can faint at any moment, so she always makes sure to say where she's going." 

The police nodded as he wrote that down. "Can you describe her for me? What was she wearing the last time you saw her and all that." 

Jimin answered this one before I could. "She's about 5'5 feet, she's skinny, has brown hair, blue eyes, pale skin. She was wearing some jeans and a purple shirt when we last saw her. We saw her two days at the park closest to here." 

"So you were the last ones to see her?" I look at Jimin and he nodded. 

"We saw her from a distance though. Hoseok called her because he wanted to prank her and asked her what she was doing even though we could see her right there under the tree at the park listening to music. We wanted to surprise her so Hoseok called her. However we had to go to a meeting so we couldn't stay longer to go and actually say hi to her so we left." Jimin explained quickly. 

"You didn't see if she left with someone or at what direction did she went to?" 

"No, we left before she did." Hoseok said next and I saw how the police was writing everything down. 

"Do you have a photo of her?" 

I quickly stood up and went to my purse. I found my wallet and took out a photo of the two of us together that I always like to keep with me. 

She's really like a sister to me, I just want her safe. 

I gave it to the police and he nodded. 

"This will work. Okay, we'll begin search parties and do you mind if we print this photo and make copies of it so we can put them around this area to see if someone might see her?" 

I nodded and he also asked if he could have a number they could call to if they have any news. I gave them my number and I had to firm some sort of contract. "Does she have a family or are you all families?" 

"Um... her mother went for a business trip. She should be back in a week or so." 

"I believe you had told her about this, correct?" I look down at the ground as I haven't told her this. I can't tell her that Aisling went missing. She would lose her mind. "Lady, you have to tell her. She's her legal guardian after all. We shouldn't even be doing this if she doesn't know." 

"Wait, why not?" 

"Because she's her mother. Have you even wondered if maybe she went to look for her mother on this trip?" 

"No, no I'm pretty sure she didn't went to her mother." 

"How? Please, just call her now so we can go on with this investigation." The police ordered as he then asked permission to look around the house to see if they could find some clues. 

I sigh when they began to look around. "I thought you had called Aisling's mom." Jimin told me and I shook my head as I was getting more stressed. 

"She would freak out. You out of everyone should know how overprotective she is with Aisling... what if- what if she thinks I'm a bad influence on her too?" That's what I was most afraid of. I guess I've always been afraid of Aisling's mom. Even though she was good to me, I was afraid that at any point she would change her mind. 

She was just so controlling of Aisling. Sometimes it's scary how controlling she can be. 

"Fine fine I'll call her." I said before Jimin could say anything else. 

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