Chapter 11.

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*A/N: another triggering chapter. Read with a conscious mind. If you need help, please call someone you consider yourself close to, or even search for psychologist on the internet that can help you. 

*1 week later*

Aisling's POV 

Everything hurts. 

I have no idea of how long I've been in this dark place, but it feels like forever. My body aches, my headaches are killing me and I can't have my pills so it's even worse. 

I look at my cuts in my wrists and shut my eyes as I regretted not ending my life before this shit happened. Why do we keep thinking that everything will get better? 

"Stop feeling sorry about yourself and think that maybe you are actually been useful right now." The guy who kidnapped me said. I haven't been able to see his face because he has had a mask this whole time and a hat to cover his hair. All I can see is his eyes which are very intimidating. He's been giving me food and water but at the same time he has been hitting me none stop. 

It's as if he needs me alive, but he's torturing me at the same time. I haven't had the courage to ask him why I'm here. All I've been hearing is that they are contacting some guy named Sang-hoon and it looks like he doesn't care I'm here. 

"Here, eat." I had eat some of the things he had given me because at some points I can't help it. But now I refuse to eat. If this guys doesn't care, what are the chances that I'll get found? No one knows I'm here. No one knows I was taken. 

When the guy saw I wasn't going to eat and looked the other way, he got very angry. "Eat, you fucking whore!" He slapped me across the face, something he usually does before doing worse stuff. 

I shook my head as I seriously couldn't care anymore. No one will come for me. 

"Don't you appreciate your life?" When I didn't answer, I actually saw something new in his face. Pity. 

The one thing I hate the most. I hate when people see me and they see me as a pity person. 

"Is your life that bad that you are willing to die like this?" He asked me. "I've never had someone kidnapped and actually not care. Don't you have people in your life who worry about you?" 

"My father left me when I was younger so I don't even remember him... my mother is too controlling of me to let me live my life..." But then, there was one person who did cross my mind. 


Is she worried about me? Knowing her, she probably is. But at the same time, she'll be so much more happy without me in her life. I've always been someone she had to take care of. I've always been a burden. Maybe this is for the best. 

And Jimin... Taehyung... they didn't get to know me that well either way, so they won't miss me either. 

"And friends? Don't you have any?" 

I decided not to answer that part but just as I stayed quiet he thought of something. I could tell he had an idea in his head. 

However he left and I thought he wouldn't come back, but he came back almost as soon... but with something in his hand. My phone. 

"Let's see who's in your life so I can manipulate people. Because apparently, your father truly hates you enough to leave you here to die." 

I look at him surprised when he said those words as if they were nothing. My father? 

"Oh right, you don't know. I work in a gang that is enemy's with your fathers gang. I thought that maybe if I manipulated him with you he would give me money or even retreat from his gang and give up everything, but he truly doesn't care." 

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