Chapter 8.

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*A/N: This chapter may be triggering for some people. If you suffer from depression or any kind of anxiety problems, please don't read the next chapter. Or be careful if you decide to read it. 

Jimin's POV 

As we got to Aisling's house we saw that the lights were on so obviously Sabrina was saying the truth. She was even waiting for us at the front door, looking down at her phone. 

When she heard the car she looked up and saw us. Hoseok was parking and even before the car was in a complete stop, I got out of the car quickly, Taehyung following behind. 

"Anything?" I ask her and she shook her head. 

"I'm worried Jimin. She has never done something like this before. Ever." I could tell how truly stressed she was and I was too. "She always tells someone when she's going out because she knows that her brain problems could affect her at any moment and we need to know she's safe." 

"Brain problems?" I knew what she meant, I just didn't want Sabrina to think that I already knew. 

"Oh shit, maybe I shouldn't of said anything. Maybe she didn't want you to know about that-" 

"Sabrina it's fine... um-" I was contemplating now if I should tell her because I felt bad. She was so stressed out and I didn't want to cause more problems. But maybe if she knew the truth about Aisling and I, maybe she'll know that I was going to be able to help more than what she thought I could. 

"Yeah?" She asked as she was waiting for me to say something else, but I couldn't bring myself to say anything. 

"Should we um, should we look for any clues?" I ask instead and she looked at me suspiciously but nodded. 

"Yeah, come in." She said as she opened the door to Aisling' home. "Her room is over here." 

It was a small house. Different from the one I remembered from when we were young. I guess she had to move because I don't remember any of this. Even when Sabrina sent the address, I felt like it wasn't the same one from when we were younger. 

What surprised me though was that Aisling's mother decided to still stay close to the park we used to go to. 

Where everything happened. 

As we were walking to Aisling's room I noticed that there were few photos on the hallway. And most of them- if not all of them- were of Aisling and her mother. There was maybe one photo of Aisling little, and that was it. 

"Over here." Sabrina said and I look at the room and I couldn't really recognize anything. "It's not much as you can see, but maybe this way we'll be able to look for clues quicker." 

We nodded as we separated ourselves in the room. I decided to go to the bathroom that was connected to the room since no one else went there. 

I kind of felt like a detective. But at the same time, I needed to see if I could find something to truly help Aisling. 

Looking drawer to drawer and finding nothing I was beginning to get stressed out. 

Then I saw something curious that shouldn't be here... scissors. 

Is it normal to have scissors in a bathroom? 

I took them and as I looked closely I could see a bit of red. 

I shouldn't come to conclusions. Right? 

"Did you find anything Jimin?" I heard Hobi asked me as he came to the bathroom too. I probably should just leave this here and not say anything about it. 

I put the scissors back in the drawer and closed it quickly but once I turned around, I saw Hobi looking at me surprised. 

"You found something." When he said that he caught the others attention. I was begging Hobi through my eyes not to say anything but it didn't work. 

"Really? What did you find?" Sabrina ask as now all of them came over here. 

"He doesn't want to show it. What did you find?" Hoseok ask me as he pushed me to the side and opened the drawer. 

I saw how his face changed when he saw the scissors. Probably thinking the same as I was. 

My heart was braking just by the thought of Aisling hurting so much. So much that she had to do that. 

When Hobi took out the scissors, I saw Sabrina's face. She took a deep breathe as she saw them, her eyes watering. 

She took the scissors from Hobi's hands and examine it carefully. 

"I-I thought she stopped." She managed to whisper, confirming mine and Hobi's thoughts. 

"What? Why is it shocking to find scissors in a bathroom?" Jungkook asked and I honestly thought he was kidding, but he really didn't know. 

I saw Taehyung taking Jungkook out of the bathroom probably to explain to him what was happening. I look back at Sabrina as she went to sat down on the bed with the scissors in her hands. I could tell she was trying hard not to cry. 

I sat beside her, also shocked myself. 

"Do you- um-" I'm not sure if I should ask this. But we have to make sure it's not a possibility. "Do you think she would've tried to-" 

"No." She immediately said. "She has never come to that. I don't think she would do it." 

"But you also said that this is not normal. That she always tells someone before she goes out-" 

"No! Jimin! Don't act like you know her because I'm pretty damn sure you don't. She would never do that." She took me by surprise as she snapped at me and I felt bad that I had to think of that possibility. She's clearly hurting too by just thinking about it but we have to be realistic. 

Sabrina stood up as she put the scissors back at the drawer. She was angry and upset. 

"We have to call the police." She finally said as she looked at me through the bathroom door. 

"Since I'm the oldest one, I'll call. Okay?" Hobi said as he went to the living room to call the police. 

Taehyung and Jungkook followed Hobi and I was going to follow too, until I saw that Sabrina was not moving from the bathroom door. Her eyes fixed on the floor. 

I went towards her and before I could step closer to try and hug her, a tear slipped from her eyes to the floor. I almost didn't noticed it, but I did. 

After that single tear, it was impossible for her to stop crying. She fall to her knees, as if though they gave up. "I-I'm I a bad friend?" I heard her ask and I wasn't sure if I was suppose to answer her. 

I was still shock myself. I didn't know she was hurting so much either. Even though I met her a couple of times and we were best friends when we were younger and she was my crush... I never noticed how much she was hurting on the inside. 

"You are not a bad friend." I decided to tell her as I went to my knees as well and looked at her in the eyes. 

"How would you know, uh?" 

"I know that if you were not a good friend you wouldn't of taken her to a fan sign event where you knew you would have to wait hours just for her to get a sign in 10 minutes for a band you don't even like but you know she does." I began to say and she smiled a bit at that. "I know that if you were not a good friend you wouldn't of taken her immediately to her house when she fainted." 

I saw her hands were shaking and I decided to take them in mine, which she let me do. I rubbed my thumb against her palm, trying to sooth her. "I know that if you were not a good friend, you wouldn't of called all of us at 3am. You wouldn't of let her use her phone so she could talk to me." I ended saying and she looked at me with grateful eyes. 

"You care about her, don't you?" She told me, although she said it more like a question. I nodded my head and decided it was now or never that I had to tell her the truth. 

"Can I tell you a story?" 

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