Chapter 19.

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Jimin's POV 

We were now at the police station, waiting for Sabrina to come out from the interrogation room. They have captured her father and were doing the investigation. 

After they saw all of her bruises and damage that her father has done to her, they didn't question the situation any longer. When Aisling told us how rude they were to her and her mother when they tried to help Aisling, it made me angry. 

This whole situation is so messed up and the fact that they didn't wanted to help, it's even crazier. 

Aisling was besides me. I noticed that something she does when she's nervous is play with her fingers and look into space, in her own thoughts. 

So, without thinking much about it, I took her hand in mine. She jumped a bit but relaxed when she remembered it was only me. Which actually took me by surprise. 

It's the first time I tried this with her and I do not regret it. The redness that came to her cheeks the moment she saw our hands connected, will always warm my heart. 

"It's going to be okay." I told her and she nodded as she actually got comfortable and put her head on my shoulder. This, this right here is what I've always dreamed off. 

Sadly, the situation is not the best, but I'm ver happy I'm able to do it now with her. 

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Taehyung pasing back and forth. It's been a while since we've seen him so stressed out. 

The rest of the guys decided to wait for us at Hoseok's place. So only me, Taehyung and Aisling came with Sabrina to support her. "It's taking forever-" 

Just as Aisling was saying that, we saw Sabrina coming out. She looked down but somehow relieved. I don't know how to explain it, but something tells me it went well. "I never wanted this for my father. After all, it's the only family I've got left." 

"But it is not safe for you anymore Sabrina and it's okay that you came here and stood up for yourself." The police women said. Thankfully, another women was the one put in charge of this investigation. I think it went better because of it. 

Sabrina nodded and Aisling stood up, going straight to her friend. I followed her with Taehyung behind me. 

"Thanks for coming with me." She told Aisling and I could tell she felt awful about how she treated Aisling before. 

"Of course." They hugged, as expected, and I couldn't help but being reminded of Taehyung and I. Always there for each other no matter what. It doesn't matter how hard the other tries to push the other away, we will never let each other go. 

"So? What did she say?" I asked as the police women left. 

"They are putting my father in jail." Sabrina said, a small sigh escaping her lips as she looked down. I could tell it killed her, but it needed to be done. She couldn't be in danger anymore. 

"For how long?" Aisling asked. 

"5 years." She said. 

"Only 5 years?" Aisling asked and I could tell she's starting to get angry again. "It's not fair! He even hit you for all your life-" 

"Aisling, not here." I said to her, as I tried to calm her down. She was drawing attention and it won't be good for the situation. 


"It's fine Aisling. As long as he's out of my life, it's good enough for me." Sabrina said and Aisling nodded but she was still not content with the decision. 

"But, once his out, he could look for you again-" 

"Let's go outside, yeah?" Sabrina said, interrupting Aisling before she could go on any longer.


Once we were walking to Hoseok's appartment, Aisling stopped questioning Sabrina. Knowing that it wouldn't help the situation. I understand that she's still concerned for her best friend, but we need to give her time, and I'm glad she saw that.  

"It's so unfair Jimin." Aisling said to me, as we were walking. Taehyung and Sabrina in front of us. Not that far away, but I knew they wouldn't be able to hear us. 

"I know, but if that's the decision they made, we can't do anything about it." I said to her, hoping she would understand that it is out of our control. 

"I know... but it just makes me so angry. 5 years is nothing compared to the damage that man did to Sabrina." She explained. "What if he comes looking for her after the 5 years are over and wants to get revange?" 

"I think that only happens in movies and books Aisling." I said as I chuckled a bit. 

She looked at me with amusment in her eyes. "You know I don't read that much and I also don't watch that many movies." 

"That's definitely not the point." I said as I ended up laughing. I can't help it, her eyes are full of confusion but it is just too cute. 

"Fine." She said as she laughed with me, forgetting that the situation was serious. Very serious. But it was good to laugh in between all the chaos. I decided to take her hand again when we got out of the police station, so we've been holding hands ever since and it just feels so nice, so natural. 

Like it was meant to be. 

"So, when are we going on our date?" She suddenly asked me, taking me by surprise. "Don't think I forgot about it Jimin-shi." 

I smile at her as I couldn't help but swing our hands as we walked. That made her laugh but she kept the game. "Mmm how about tomorrow?" I asked her. 

"Really?" She asked and God, she's just so cute. 

"Yes... I mean, if you want." I stated and she nodded her head, feeling very happy, I could tell. 

"Yes!" She said and I couldn't wait for tomorrow. This is what I've dreamed of since we were kids and I'll finally be able to take her out on a date. And the best part is how happy she's just by the thought of going out with me. 

"What are we going to do?" 

"It's a surprise." I said while smirking at her when I saw her stressed reaction. 

"Oh Jimin-ah! That's not fair." She said as she tried to convince me to tell her by doing her puppy eyes. And although that's very adorable, I won't give up. 

"Just you wait, you'll love it." 

The bad part about this is... I have no idea what we're doing tomorrow. 


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