Updated Hermitcraft Headcannons

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Greeting my little fears, I have for you headcannons that I wrote at 9:00 on a Tuesday night! I've got some ones I really like (I love Keralis'-) so hopefully you enjoy them as well!

Also- Can we just talk about how Tango out this in his most recent video?? THIS IS AN ACTUAL SCREENSHOT-


-Uses He/Him

-He has Claustrophobia (Fear of small spaces), Autophobia (Fear of being alone), Leporiphobia (Fear of rabbits) and Athazagoraphobia  (Fear or being forgotten)

-He's a watchling (Not a full Watcher, full Watchers are a different species. Watchlings are players turned Watchers, they're rarely as powerful)

-Pearl and Scar both know he's a Watchling, Pearl because EVO and Scar because he walked in on Gri preening his wings one time (I should write a oneshot about this-)

-Knows about the majority of the server's phobias and fears and tries to help them out best he can.

-Knows about Joe being a Watcher though Joe does not know that.

-Is constantly being followed by the ghosts of YHS and EVO.

-Absolutely loves any type of physical touch, will melt and fall asleep on you if you hug him for long enough.

-Is the type of person to bake the Hermits cookies (Burnt ones probably) or give them little gifts if they're feeling down



-Uses He/him

-Tall bean

-Worries a lot about other Hermits when ever they get hurt or sick

-Half-vampire (Doesn't burn in day light (It just tickles). He doesn't need to only drink blood, but he does need it sometimes)

-Ghost seer (He can see ghosts and sometimes summon them or make them visible)



-Uses They/them


-Sometime their eye randomly falls out. One time it fell out in the middle of a convo with Doc and Bdubs, Bdubs ended up screaming and hiding behind Doc who just laughed.



- Uses He/Him

-Knows about Gri and Pearl being Watchers

-Tree elf

-Loves cats to an unhealthy extent

-Used to be a little self-conscious of the elf ears but when he saw the hermits being so accepting he eventually stopped hiding them under giant hats. It took a while, but he's fully confident about them now!



-Uses She/her


-Knows about Gri being a Watcher because EVO

-Really likes soup

-Was on the ESMPS1 server when she and Gri reunited and he offered to invite her to Hermitcraft

-Used to date Netty back in EVO (Quick note, was I the only one who didn't know that Netty and Martyn are MARRIED!? Apparently they have a kid as well-)

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